What is the MOST secure Lightning server/distro/application? On chain fees are getting absurd, and cash app/strike/kraken support lightning now.
I want something that I can power on, transfer, backup, and shut off.
I'm thinking about BtcPayServer, or start9.
And yes, I know how to write a backup script.
A phone is good, especially mutiny, but I don't want to carry around thousands with me. Which is why the offline computer as server seems better.
offline computer as server seems better.
You asked about a LN node. Seems that you don't understand. A LN node MUST be online to be able to use it. Is not like a cold storage. Please read the guides.
LND is the most popular and so far I havent heard any serious vulnerabilities. But so be it with other clients. Their security relies on operating system security.
LND doesn't perform well and is for high transaction nodes. I'd rather use CLN for my purposes.