Is it possible to have a door that can be open using a lightning wallet app or requiring sats payment to be open?
@Car @k00b @PlebLab where is that tweet with the video opening the PlebLab door with a LN wallet (I can't find it rn)?
You can look into using LNbits Bitcoin switch (here you have more documentation) to build such thing. You can open with any LN wallet that support LN-auth or just pay a LNURL. See here all wallets comparison chart of functionalities.
here ya go
it’s crazy cause the guys in the lab invent so many things and we just don’t have the time or money to turn it into a product
Amazing, thank you!
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That is not a smart lock. Is actually a dumb lock, opened with a LN-auth or LN-pay Read the documentation PlebLab did.
Well I would say it is because you could integrate ai into it bc it's all software
As you login on SN with LN-auth same you open that door... What have to do AI with opening a door LOL, is just a fucking switch activated with a payment or a code. That's it.
I am sorry but don't you think people will be using ai and lightning for these purposes?
Are you one of these?
Is a FUCKING DAMN DOOR ! Why do I need AI to open my door, FFS !
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Ah, because why choose a Door, when you can choose a DoorMan AI infused contactless autoOpen Mark V?
Idk maybe you don't need it but others will. Maybe not AI bu iot
I would if it's private and secured, actually it would be more secure than anything I see out there.
I didn't know it was already a thing. I guess the saying is true, when you have a good idea, a million people have already thought of it.
Perfect thank you!
opening with lightning is kinda stupid. what's the point? this is a use case for NFTs.
Ok thanks
Wow, sounds great as a service to owners renting tourist apartments
Yes, it is possible. You just need to monitor a specific wallet, and when that wallet receives a certain amount of sats, it sends a command to the door opening mechanism. This system will require some work, but it is not complicated.
Anyone could send sats to the wallet and open the door, as long as they know which wallet to send to.
Perfect thank you! I see this as a great form of aplication specially when smart is easier to grab than a key
Is it possible to upgrage the software of the current smartlock to a lightning software so you don't have to build the hardware yourself? I see this as a very important step fowards specially when more people are using lightning wallets
I don't know if there is already an electronic lock with support for what you want, if there is, better. But if not, updating the lock's firmware should be difficult, only the manufacturer should be able to do it. But it is very likely that there is an electronic lock that has an input (analog signal) or some communication protocol that you can use to give the opening command. Then you need some external device to interface with the LN.