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I don't blame the person for this one because they were younger and didn't have a ton of experience with money, but it was really weird.
"But how is Bitcoin valuable if each of the sats is so small?"
"What is bitcoin made out of?"
If you think about it, it's actually not a stupid question if you know next to nothing about something called bit coin.
And I don't think "information" is an easy to digest answer haha.
Master Po again?
You have learned well, grasshopper.
Po knew that the 'One Hand Clapping' nudge to enlightenment is so passé these days...
How much Bitcoin do you have
Yeah, this is usually the go-to question every no-coiner asks me. And if you tell them a number, they proceed to shame you OR tell you you should sell it asap back to fiat.
Why will Bitcoin not implode if the fiat system implodes?
How much Bitcoins do you want to buy, to be satisfied?
  • "I think Bitcoin was created by government and/or 3 letter agencies. What do you think?"
  • "I think Bitcoin is already hacked and they keep it on the downlow. What do you think?"
  • "I think Bitcoin is already hijacked by the richest. What do you think?"
  • I think Bitcoin is pure speculation and that it's fraud. What do you think?"
I am very interested in the perspective of the SN community on these questions. What do you think?
So many, hard to pick the strangest, but here is a candidate:
"How do you know that you will get your bitcoins out again?" (As if the part before "again" wasn't enough)
"I totally understand it's pyramid, so please tell me who pays you to promote it?"
Bitcoin's value lies in its divisibility; while a single Bitcoin seems large, it's divisible into 100 million satoshis. Each satoshi holds value within the network's scarcity, utility, and decentralized nature. The sum of these minute units creates Bitcoin's worth, akin to a dollar comprising smaller cents. Despite their size, sats collectively underpin Bitcoin's functionality, facilitating microtransactions and enabling accessibility. Understanding this scalability underscores Bitcoin's viability and utility, regardless of the nominal value of individual satoshis.
My wife asked if im in a cult 😅
Well the government will just ban it won’t they?
"If bitcoin is better money, why is it that people don't use it on a daily basis? Why can't I buy a house with bitcoin?" 🙃🙄
"Surely a modern economy cannot run on a bitcoin standard, there's just not enough of them?!"
The last one is very Keynesian. They think the money supply must always increase and that a fixed supply is impossible, because then deflation of Dooooom will bring us down.
"but this bitcoin thing must be for the rich right? I don't even have enough to buy one coin."
“Would it be best if you pegged bitcoin to gold? Maybe then it would have intrinsic value.”
Big UGH here
How do you eat that? Lol
You guys get questions? I only get statements I feel a strong urge to combot.
I gave a friend a public and private key with Bitcoin on it in 2011 as a gift, but he was paranoid his name was on it even though I explained that it wasn't. It is still sitting in the same address 12 years later. I should have kept a copy of it I guess.
Thank you for your donation / lost coins. The value of our bitcoin has increased.
What guarantees you that more than 21 million are not produced
I find that a good question. Someone who actually digs a little deeper to verify the maximum amount of Bitcoin to be able to create.
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That's such a common one. Does start those good conversations like you said though. It just always seems so hard to get people to understand.
It's backwards from how it's always been, and that makes it a great starting point.
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