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I can highly recommend Breez for small businesses. Sleek, simple PoS.
Ecommerce - OpenNode Brick and mortar retail - Ibex farmer's markets/owner-run operations - muun wallet
Can chat with you about the nuance of this anytime. Hit me up on twitter @dooowta!
LNURL support is a must for businesses. Until something better comes along.
That’s mean wallet of satoshi only
any of the wallets mentionend on this page, and maybe there are more wallets out there that hasn't been added yet
Exactly, the only two viable wallets with LNurl Pay are wallet of satoshi and Zebedee but Zebedee charge 1%
Unless of course the store get a full node .
I think will be more options in the near future
Wasn't aware zebedee charge 1% but LNURL is meant for businesses afaik so if you pick more personal use oriented functionality you may be able to avoid the fee if that's a problem.
Can also go all the way and do BTCpay server and own node, but then you will be 100% responsible yourself but not have any fee as such. To each their own
I love ZBD though , but maybe for a business 1% for all their sales can be important
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curious about this too
200 sats \ 1 reply \ @x 28 May 2022
Maybe the Specter enterprise solution would be interesting.
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What's the use case?
Are you asking about wallet for accepting bitcoin / point-of-sale, or for payments. And if for payments, are you wanting on-off payments (manual) or batch / automated payments?
Are you asking about self-custody options, or custodial services?
Are you wanting multisig?
Is there customer accounts involved (e.g., needing trust account(s))?
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Ibex for the businesses you're describing.
Feel free to reach out to me on twitter anytime and we can chat about this over a call.