Calling all stackers!
Leave a comment below to let the SN community know what you're working on this week. It doesn't matter how big or small your project is, or how much progress you've made.
Just share what you're up to, and let the community know if you want any feedback or help.
If you missed last week's thread, here are the updates stackers shared from all their latest work projects.
Researching different health conditions people have improved by adopting the carnivore diet! 🥩❤️
I'm just saying, it cannot be a coincidence that roughly 3-4 months post full carnivore, my life-long bout with asthma began to disappear. After a good 6+ months it was gone completely. I used to use ventolin and symbicort to manage the asthma, but have not touched them in over a year.
Congrats @lumps. Imagine that’s opened up a bunch of further healthy lifestyle changes too. Flywheel effect of being symptom free.
nobody wants to hear this but the carnivore diet is an elimination diet. it is not sustainable in the long run because among other things your microbiome needs plant fiber
The only problem is that plants can cause all kinds of issues due to their chemical self defense systems among other things, so you need to introduce each one slowly and in its proper state, to figure out which ones you can tolerate and which ones you cant.
A good rule of thumb is fermented plants. They are like a life hack. Increased shelf life, increased benefecial bacteria, and a breakdown of the toxic compounds or the compounds you are just allergic to in most cases. But thats not all. But i dont want to bore anyone further. Have a nice day
The "elimination" of poison, yes. So it is very good for you, and certainly sustainable.
No, fiber is completely unnecessary and a net-bad for humans. We can't digest it.
Check this out 👇
On a project milestone to onboard as many nocoiners and shitcoiners to bitcoin, through LN sats giveaways and bounties.
They receive sats after they sign up and send me their LN address or paycode username.
I am studying what the optimal food is, the optimal condition for the human body as a whole, how it heals and what prevents it from healing and getting into all the details plus more. It is fascinating.
The more i learn the more i realize how much better the standard American diet can be and how wrong the governments dietary recommendations are. I will not be able to change this, but the goal is to try by boiling it down into easily digestible material and sharing it somewhere no pun intended. Getting anyone to learn about diet and to go through with any changes before its too late may be just as hard as explaining Bitcoin but probably just as important. Have a nice day.
You've probably read The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholtz, but if you haven't - I highly recommend it. Mind blowing amount of research, she totally and convincingly demolishes the current nutritional guidelines. I'm already planning diet changes based on it.
After much PR merging and bug fixing, finally focusing on territories 100%
I have my backgarden full of leaves. Currently 1.5 hrs every day hahaha. Hope this stops soon
sneak peek. Wont comment further
I am downgrading a communications protocol for compatibility. Customer requirement.
Finally I'll be doing my first BTC Meetup in my city.
This Saturday I'll be explaining the basics of Bitcoin to 20 local no coiners.
It was not an easy project, I had to create a Geyser fund in order to get some help to pay for the venue. I'll be footing the bill.
The plan is to do a monthly event.
I'll be back to SN with some Proof of work (pictures!)
Sent you some funds. Have fun and thanks for your work!
Thanks! You are the biggest contributor so far!!!
you're welcome! I see a lot of value in Meetups.
I am working on building a steam engine to generate power.
Finally found translation to my native language Bitcoin Standard and Internet on money books. Daily when I'm going to nap these books incoming to my brain
My body, I drinking too much so no beer this week
Apart from daily work, I'm work as a freelancer for a independent company's website, basically fixing their sh*t, using an incredibly ugly mockup as a base, and they keep piling issues to fix every single days, they probably gonna faint after they see the final cost.
If I'm lucky I can get to be paid in crypto, but they have an Ethereum wallet otherwise fiat as a choice, maybe I can manage to get paid in Bitcoin or swap them... 🤔
I am not working yet, but I am looking for an app which send regular notifications of BTC price... But I never found that. I am willing to work on that.
This week I have dedicated myself to building my house. I already have the entire structure, the roof and I am installing the electrical pipes. I hope to finish very soon. I am giving love to my home.
I wish you luck in your projects this week 🤠
Analysing how the Chinese BYD Seal car is much better than Tesla. Sorry for Tesla lovers but it is not my cup of tea. I found in most comparison that BYD is beating most of the EVs on market😄
Working on myself this week, lol yeah Working on making more time for family
I'm troubleshooting my brave VPN
More tweaks for my 🇺🇾 post later. Going a bit OTT and fact checking my research before publishing.
Once that’s out the way, I plan to either:
  • do another new SN post on why Bitcoin is NOT a black hole
  • design new POC for lightning lock-ups & challenges with friends