Researching different health conditions people have improved by adopting the carnivore diet! 🥩❤️
I'm just saying, it cannot be a coincidence that roughly 3-4 months post full carnivore, my life-long bout with asthma began to disappear. After a good 6+ months it was gone completely. I used to use ventolin and symbicort to manage the asthma, but have not touched them in over a year.
Congrats @lumps. Imagine that’s opened up a bunch of further healthy lifestyle changes too. Flywheel effect of being symptom free.
nobody wants to hear this but the carnivore diet is an elimination diet. it is not sustainable in the long run because among other things your microbiome needs plant fiber
The only problem is that plants can cause all kinds of issues due to their chemical self defense systems among other things, so you need to introduce each one slowly and in its proper state, to figure out which ones you can tolerate and which ones you cant.
A good rule of thumb is fermented plants. They are like a life hack. Increased shelf life, increased benefecial bacteria, and a breakdown of the toxic compounds or the compounds you are just allergic to in most cases. But thats not all. But i dont want to bore anyone further. Have a nice day
The "elimination" of poison, yes. So it is very good for you, and certainly sustainable.
No, fiber is completely unnecessary and a net-bad for humans. We can't digest it.
Check this out 👇