That gif perfectly represents my living space (except the large run). Big space, yet completely empty and devoid of furniture.
Why waste money on furniture if i could stack more sats? I was already into Minimalism before i was a Bitcoiner. I actually don't mind not owning much things.
I find that having just one chair and one table is sufficient for me, as I eat and study in front of my computer. I have a bed only because it has good storage underneath for my random belongings, and a wardrobe for my cloths (which i'm planning to get rid off).
I'm in the process of decluttering my wardrobe and to donate most of my clothes to a nearby place. I've realized that I don't need 20 shirts and 5 pairs of shoes; I can live with much less. A few 3€ basic black t-shirts and 2 pair of shoes (casual and formal) are more than enough for me.
My ultimate goal is to only own what is necessary and be able to fit all my belongings inside my car (or future van) in case of an emergency.
"I will own nothing, and be happy." - as much as i hate people who are behind this quote. I must say this is the reality i choose to live, well before they said it.
> "I will own nothing, and be happy." - as much as i hate people who are behind this quote. I must say this is the reality i choose to live, well before they said it.
Here's a little song i wrote, you might want to sing it note for note, own nothing, be happy
in every life we have some trouble, when you own you make it double
own nothing, be happy own nothing be happy now own nothing be happy own nothing be happy own nothing be happy own nothing be happy....
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... Thanks for this!
except the large rug*
I will say, being minimalistic like this certainly does streamline your life, frees up a lot more mental space for decision making about other things
All in moderation for me I suppose, as long as it suits your lifestyle then you're golden