This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I do clinical trials for a living. Yep. I'm a human guinea pig for pharmaceutical companies. Been doing this since 2011. Currently doing a 32 day study at LabCorp in Dallas TX. I gotta stay at this facility 24/7. While I'm here, I've been learning about BTC/LN node management, watching Stranger Things & Obi-Wan, and playing Pathfinder: Kingmaker.
For withdraw from my account here on SN, the 10 sats (default) is a higher amount than is needed for most any transaction amount that would be typically withdrawn from SN.
What I would like to see in my account Settings is a: Default Withdrawal max fee.
That then would be the value that is used to prefill the max fee field each time I go to withdraw.
So if I had my Default Withdrawal max fee set to 1 sats, I suspect most withdrawal attempts will succeed. If, for whatever reason, I can't withdraw with that, I can just try again and raise the max fee a little higher on the next attempt.
Thoughts? (i.e., Should I create an Issue / ticket for this on SN's Github repo?)
The Mandables is getting sadder and darker with each turn of the page
I've been trying to find that on audiobook.
It's on Apple Books as an audiobook (and probably in the realms of 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ too)
The lightning network is ahead of its time. The things that are being built on it may not last long enough (funding etc.)until the general public is ready to use it. But let's see.
The LN is here & now it's one of the biggest experiments the world has seen. the general public are using it now in El Salvador and many other countries & regions - Coincorner in the Isle of Man are creating a circular economy with their new Bolt card. Insert [Build it and they will come] meme
You are right: is still an experiment. But is far from working well. We still have to fix a lot of things or even build a new one if this will fail.
Are you still having channel closures?