Merchant adoption for Bitcoin is crucial as it propels the currency into everyday transactions, fostering its normalization and practical use. Without widespread acceptance in businesses, Bitcoin remains limited to speculative realms, hindering its evolution into a mainstream, usable currency.
Easy for you to say. I am too introverted to be going around trying to orange pill strangers, even though I'd love to have a local circular economy to pop up.
Get your point!
Jabba loves this
For more people use Bitcoin as money in their daily trades for goods and services... STRONGER WILL BECAME.
It should be preached in school.
And that's why i started to write all those guides.... Now I start contributing to this giant library in the making, for the
Here is the Github repository open source, where anybody can contribute with guides, manuals, documentation, translations etc
The force is with you! Maybe you should start working this field? If you are not already...
Why the orange pill cures everything and saves you a headache
Self custodial education > merchant adoption
Some merchants might accept bitcoin as a gimmick by linking it to an exchange. Bitcoiner walks in & buys something with coin joined BTC. Exchange freezes BTC. Big problem
Sorry, i disagree. There are services who already offer off-ramping BTC to €, being more cost-effective than any other payment solution on the market, from a payment processing point of view. Also to have currency ecoysystem closed you can't forget about the importancy of merchant adoption. But i also agree that Self custodial education is important too.
Personally, I can't wait for merchant adoption. I'd love to be able to earn & buy more stuff with bitcoin.
But those solutions (are you talking about strike or open node?) are custodial & therefore have other large risks. To accept bitcoin/LN transactions in a "self custodial" way takes A LOT of education. They essentially need to run a LN node & all the connectivity & liquidity balancing that comes with it.
Fair point. I spoke about other solutions, especially designed to have a regulated, secured and easy approach even for the employees of the merchant. And these solutions are non-custodial :) I think a merchant might be busy focusing on his business these days and earn enought revenue. Running a Node needs time and money, why not use a specialized solution?
FFS for buying always use LN!
Even for a car? Or house?
Yes, why not?
Some of us don't have that kind of liquidity
microtransactions made simple too
Every merchant is kinda "centralized," and this has many consequences. This post addresses nothing. Similar to saying, "To be flying, you must overcome gravity."
Nothing wrong with having some parts "centralized". We can't have everything decentralized.
It does say something! I want to encourage everybody.
Just from reading your comment i could guess who you are irl haha