This is the whitepaper for the lightning network before it all got built.
Under section 9.6, it states:
"9.6 Inability to Make Necessary Soft-Forks
Changes are necessary to bitcoin, such as the malleability soft-fork. Additionally, if this system becomes popular, it will be necessary for the system to securely transact with many users and some kind of structure like a blockheight timestop will be desirable. This system assumes such changes to enable Lightning Network to exist entirely, as well as soft-forks ensuring the security is robust against attackers will occur. While the system may continue to operate with only some time lock and malleability soft-forks, there will be necessary soft-forks regarding systemic risks. Without proper community foresight, an inability to establish a timestop or similar function will allow systemic attacks to take place and may not be recognized as imperative until an attack actually occurs."
A read through of the entire whitepaper is recommended.
malleability soft-fork was segwit.
I was about to comment the same and I saw your comment. Thanks, you are faster than me :)
Thanks for posting this. An eye opener for me. Maybe I missed it or forgot, but I don't recall this section being discussed.
GuidThanks for the info, I don't remember if I ever read this. Excellent I'll save it
I saved it too. So that I don't get lost
Thanks for posting, I hadn't had the opportunity to do so before.