You should go now and make video versions of the guides. A lot of work. But I suspect new generations don't know how to read and only watch tiktoks.
Nope. Are plenty of video tutorials. Bitcoin needed written guides. Video tutorials are for lazy people, that can't read.
Oh well it is true, if they are lazy to read, they don't deserve it.
Exactly. Bitcoin is only for brave, not for the weak. Proof of Work.
@DarthCoin let me know when you do make videos, would sponsor a POS Gen1 :)
  1. Will never do video tutorials
  2. Will never take sponsors
  3. I do all this for Bitcoin (I mean not to earn sats).
My guides were written for my "padawans" (I have a lot of private people that I help them getting onboard). I start with them in private, but then I saw that more people need them. So I publish them on substack for the common good.
In Germany we say: "Einem geschenkten Gaul, schaut man nicht ins Maul" :))
yes, I know, but a gift is a gift... and could have many connotations. I prefer my integrity.
appreciate your work!