Would you leave your Fiat job behind and completly go into Bitcoin? I see more and more job offerings coming up. At the moment i would say it's like 80% development jobs and the rest looks like marketing and growth related jobs. What other new work opportunities will Bitcoin bring us?
I would consider "working in the Bitcoin industry" ANY bitcoiner with some good level of knowledge that is helping to onboard more users, merchants and building tools.
"The industry" is US, the users.
I meant to be able to pay bills...
maybe "fulltime" is missing
Podcasters do well :)
Depending on where you live, you have to factor touching anything in bitcoin gives you problems with banking.
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I think more employers should go for a mix. Like get your normal payments in fiat and your bonuses and spezial stuff in btc. More like an invenstment to get people used to btc. I think most people wouldn't go all in on btc but with a model like this more peole would come in contact with the space. If it would be treated like an investment maybe there would even be some tax benefits for the employees.
This is still a tax and regulation nightmare i believe.... Companies know shit these days
Yes, I would definitely work for a Bitcoin-only company. Im in frontend development, but requirements are usually not aligned wirh my skills unfortunately.
I'm currently creating a paid Bitcoin for Beginners Workshop, to start working in the Bitcoin space.
UI/UX is also always wanted in companies
There are already businesses using Bitcoin and some stores. Also tasks related jobs and some more slowly expanding
towards which direction?
Sorry, I did not specify that. I would obviously exit from receiving money in fiat as soon as possible. I would love to have all my incomes in BTC.
Would you leave your Fiat job behind and completly go into Bitcoin?
What other new work opportunities will Bitcoin bring us?
For those who know how Bitcoin works and the Bitcoin ecosystem, it will bring new opportunities in most sectors.
We will see in the future :)
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I just meant working in the Bitcoin space, even when you know you don't much at the moment... Right! I also beliebe the opportunities are just getting more. For devs especially.
Bitcoin industry, as in developing applications in Bitcoin? sure.
But jobs that pay in Bitcoin can be anything really, doesn't have to be about Bitcoin.
meant Jobs in Bitcoin, not paying in Bitcoin (hopefully someday in the future).
There is loads of new companies founded by Bitcoiners, might be a nice working environment for someone also in the rabbit hole?
I would if i could. Nothing for my profession available in the near future.