@nemo gone missing! All comments deleted. Changed avatar, very strange. Maybe we should give out a bounty??
Don't worry about that slippery creature. He's two or three fathoms ahead of us.
I do worry. How is it possible to delete all comments in one go? Also why is it not possible to see his/her stacked sats at SN?
Explanation here.
Well, not the "deleting all at once" part. I don't know how he did that.
He probably deleted them from its profile page, the "Items" tab has all the comments in a single screen.
with the new privacy setting, I can't detect if @nemo is online anymore, but high chance he's lurking, enjoy lurking:)!
The question how he deleted all his comments is still not answerde. Does Dr. Watson aka @k00b maybe knows the answer?
He either did it manually or scripted it.
I think it's manually, he used to be quite selective deleting some posts, but only @nemo knows!
5885 posts manully? I doubt it! @nemo how did you do it?
it's not at one go, many were being deleted before, like a weekly cleaning ๐Ÿงน
but indeed there are quite some proof of work there - much deleting ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
craaazy PoW!!! Should be mining instead
I quite like @nemo 's way of living
delete everything and live in the present with no history:)
What happened? And how did @nemo even deleted all the posts at once?
What happened? And how did @nemo even deleted all the posts at once? I dunno. He has to be some guy with a million BTC who can fool the matrix.