Just tested. Works really nice the LN node. Could be a very good LN wallet for new LN users that have no idea how LN works or no funds.
  • restore from seed - checked, works nice
  • fast onboarding with no opening channels, just deposit through LN, with a small fee
  • full support LNURL (pay, withdraw, auth, LN address. Still doesn't support LUD12 (comments)
  • fees are acceptable
  • no need for channel management
  • no need for channels backup, you restore just with the seed
  • node keys are encrypted in your device, so you will be asked about your device PIN to encrypt them.
  • be sure you save the LN node seed after you start it.
In general is really promising wallet. You could say that is quite the same experience as with Phoenix.
How can I access this functionality? I'm on Android v4.0.20 but can't see it.
Go to app settings, top left. Activate in advanced settings the experimental features. Then go back to main screen and from top right menu - add new account (show advanced) and you will have the option to start a new LN node (account).
THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL! And is limited to 4M sats in total.
Cool, thanks!
Nice, tnx. Is the Lightning recovery seed different from the initial Green seed? They display it seperately, but you would think it piggybacks off the main seed for convenience.
Yes, are separate wallets (they name them accounts). So once you create the LN account, go to settings and save the seed.
Great write up thanks!