This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
"SN gives the sats it earns back to its best users daily"
What's the metric of best here?, is there a ranking?🤔
There is some kind of web of trust. Interactions with more trusted users increase it and upvoted comments/posts are good.
I don't think we have deeper insight into it AFAIK.
Tbh, I am not very good in actually understanding code from open source projects. It seems to iterate through a graph beginning with @k00b - that makes sense
But the creation of the graph via sql is black magic to me: discounted by time logarithmic, then just building the sum means no penalty for lots of low-upvote comments (?)
Continuing to work on multiple auth methods for a single account. Much suck.
Looks like I'm going to have to fork the auth library I'm using ... It impressively lacks simple/non-buggy ways of doing this.
Can we have a "Report shitcoin post" button on posts?
lol I saw that too. Not sure who upvoted that ...
I've actually been quite surprised the shitcoiners haven't been spamming nonstop. I suppose it's because there is no API for their bots to use for posting, otherwise it would be nonstop.
What’s Bill Cosby’s take on Depp/Heard ending?
It feels like the hard work by bitcoiners is about to pay off
If only the queen would do something to stop inflation and revitalize individual liberty :)
The queen can't singlehandedly stop inflation..just like the US president's called a free market and capitalism..which I am 100% against by the way I just understand how it works and how serious a problem corporate greed is.
are you mentally challenged?
So you dislike my opinion so you ask if i'm mentally challenged? How mature. You have no retort to my comments/opinion so you insult me. Typical right winger.
So you're in favor of a monarchy and you oppose capitalism?
A monarchy no. Capitalism causes more problems for a society than it fixes, though. Especially when the government cares more about those in the top 1% of wealth distribution and fixes the system to get them even richer than they already are.
whats corporate greed
Watching the Queen's platinum jubilee festivities! Even as someone who doesn't live in a country ruled by the monarchy, I have nothing but respect and admiration for the Queen!
well, i have nothing but disgust for england. Jai Hind.
Are u serius?