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🫂 Feel good to read another pleb in the same wave. Phone number and email is a no go.
The first point hit hard as I don't like giving my email address, why don't we still to LNURL-AUTHa
LNURL-AUTH, privacy is key
I agree with everything except 8, because I don't think you drive a car that you built yourself.
😂 I agree with most of this post. The reason I never use wavelake is the stupid email sign up.
A plate of toxic @Onions. 😲
Seconds please! 😎
It didn't seem toxic to me. All very reasonable and normal. Seriously. Maybe I am more toxic than I thought then? 😅 I don't like the word toxic.
100% agree with your post. And this is my message to all shitcoiners out there, when they are triggered by my BTC toxicity
Stole this meme from you... Agree with all your points, particularly #8. Keep being toxic 🤙
Agree on most of the said above. I see the discussion about using hardware wallets a bit more nuanced. To me using hardware wallets is also about usability. Using a bitbox is way easier than creating/using a seedsigner. Of course there are other tradeofs as you described.
What I completly disagree is with this:
keep your keys in your head (it's just 12 words)
This is way too dangerous. So much can go wrong here. You can do this as an additional backup but don't do this as your only option!
True. My wording wasnt the best. But i agree with you, aways have a backup. In fact, always have a backup of a backup.
Yep, having backup options is good. One more for free is the dead man's switch
I had that in my bookmarks. I will read later. Thanks!
Wallet of satoshi is good but for the rest I agree with you.
The information was direct and umcompromising, which is needed, but not very well received by some at first. The attitude in final words is what I found toxic and not needed, in my opinion. Point well-taken though.
Was my post too toxic for you?
honestly, after read the point 5, I just took your writing as humor.
nice writing btw :)
Blink works with anonymous email :) or without (but forget recovery). You are welcome
No your post wasn't too toxic for me, because I am very toxic as well but I wouldn't attack Bitcoin online small businesses like that, yes some may be overpriced but if they wasn't providing a service the market want and need they would seized to exist remimber the Bitcoin economy is still very small running a bitcoin businessb and stay compatitive is not a small task, also if you think something is overpriced it's an opportunity for you to sell it at a lower cost. Thank you, everything else was great!
Not toxic enough yet ;) Keep them coming!
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I don't think the world is ready for what's coming
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