When mempool don't have much load (saturday and sunday) I can easily transfer onchain just spending 190 sats but using LN its becoming more expensive everyday.
Onchain can definitely be cheaper than LN for large payments, since LN fee is usually proportional to size. Onchain is never faster and never cheaper for micropayments (on a well connected node), tho.
At the end if we want to have business supporting bitcoin, paying 5 to 10 cents for a 100$ Transaction is the way to go. Today I paid 2c for 40$ transaction using Phoenix . Bitcoin is not about free transactions.
You should open a channel to me.
What wallet are you using?
WoS and Muun
I suspect this will be less and less common as time goes on. Certainly take advantage of it while you can ... assuming you don't need near instant finality.
The premise of lightning is that market forces will eventually drive fees to nearly zero. There is a foundation to this assumption as there is necessarily a floor that is dictated by minimal interest or dividends earned by a low-risk demand deposit. Let's presume a person's maximum profitability of an equivalent deposit is 0.1% APY. Divide this by the total funds passing through a profitable node, let's say it's 1000 to 1, this leaves you at around 10ppm which happens to be lower than the common fee rate on the network at this time. The reason it's not already this low is the channel-churn on any particular node is much lower than 1000:1. The reason it's not higher is because there is much pressure from idealistic nodes. The zerofeerouting method is a different business model of profiting from liquidity such that selling liquidity and swap ins/outs can also contribute to node sustainability thus driving down fee rates further.
small/recurrent payments = LN
It might sound like a cliche, but we’re still early and these are minor kinks
Payment hopping will slowly become more efficient in a short time period. There are just a bit less than 4K BTC these days, so sometimes routes are not very efficient
Have you considered running a node ?