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It's the latter. We can make do with less, but without our "contributions" the state couldn't commit its atrocities.
I feel so sad for people who have the form of Stockholm Syndrome known as statism.
Without taxes you wouldn't have roads, fire departments, law enforcement that you far right extremists say you support. We wouldn't have an education system. You're clueless. And we can get rid of the atrocities by our military by reducing the budget that the Pentagon doesn't even spend all of anyway as they always have a surplus of funds at the end of the fiscal year. Btw, what atrocities do you actually care about? How about our law enforcement murdering unarmed black people? How about those ones, you care about those? How about the atrocities of innocent children dying via assault rifle inside schools due to lack of common sense gun legislation. You care about those ones or nah?
Oh my goodness.... please grow up from this commie nonsense. As if there would be no private market for all these things the state is offerering with worse and worse quality.
What you don't seem to understand is that the same private market that created smart phones is not capable of laying down strips of tar between two locations.
But not for free. Who would fund them? Toll roads only? How's that gonna work
Dude, I'm a vegan atheist anarchist. What about that says "far-right"? Every single thing you insinuated that I believe was wrong. However, since you just parrot DNC talking points I'm not surprised you literally don't have a clue what you're talking about.
Sorry, but facts and statistics don't have opinions bud. But the fact that you're an anarchist tells me that you're essentially a heartless, selfish, self-righteous individual that doesn't give a fuck about those who aren't as well off as you. Let me guess, you're a straight, white, cisgender male, right? Your privilege REEKS.
One question: wtf does ''cisgender'' mean? That crap sounds like one of these new absurd words out of the Davosian commie kitchen to enrich this world with new attack vectors to fuel the long march.
There are cis and trans fatty acids. If you're in Europe, my response to you is cisatlantic. And those who obey the law are cisgressors, a.k.a. cucks.
Thank You for introducing me into the world of mental cerebral hemorrhages. I promise You I will refuse this shit until these clowns bury me.
Cisgender is the term used for those who identify as the gender they were assigned at birth. It means they are not transgender. And before you call me a "woke liberal," I'd rather be awake and with the times instead of asleep and being left behind.
You're completely wrong. I give a flying fuck! But honestly: let's end the debate. Time will tell what type of nonsense will rule. For me as a libertarian I prefer living on my own without these things. Greets
So can we agree on using the grown terms of our language that went through thousands of years of verification: man and woman?
I wasn't being snide or sarcastic when I said I feel sad for people like you. Sincerely get well soon.
You don't have to internalize the priorities of the largest group of mass murderers in human history. You also don't have to otherize those who are outside of your cult. You could choose to ask questions, rather than traffic in baseless assumptions. I wish you a speedy recovery.
The only one in a cult is you. But typical of the far right to project what they are doing onto someone else in an attempt to make it seem they are innocent. You people want anarchy and are okay with people dying of treatable diseases and are okay with innocent children being murdered in schools. But yeah, I'm in a cult. You literally are the definition of a cult in your views. Selfishness and arrogance run deep in cults and you have those traits clearly.