Their odds are sort of crazy, so you might be able to lock in some gains if you arbitrage off of bets made elsewhere.
Just remember that you aren't getting the posted odds, unless no other bets come in. It's a pool system, so payouts are based on your share of the winning wagers.
Thanks. I may not jump in regardless. Lately I have a real aversion to traditional email/password account registration and login.
Totally fair. I started using it before I knew to be concerned about such things.
It has kind of snuck up on me. I gradually care about it more and more. I think the switch to graphene was the catalyst.
Off topic but I just noticed a drastic reduction in available brands on my bitcoin company app. All the cards I was buying, gone. No gas, no grocery, no home depot, no walmart.
Wondering if you this is just an issue in Canada. Has there been a change to what gift cards are available in the US?
I emailed them to inquire.
I think it must be a Canadian thing. I just double checked. Nothing I use is missing, and merchants I never noticed before are still on there. Please keep me poated.
Ok just us second class citizens in Canada. Haha.
My wife has a US phone and uses her sister's address for any US correspondence. I signed up for a strike account using her US phone and info when we were in the US for a couple months last year but haven't used it since.
We were planning to spend a few months a year in the US every year and maybe rent our place out for ski season(I could cover my mortgage for the entire year doing that) but we haven't bought a property down south and her nephew invoked squatters rights on her dad's house where we had planned to stay so we are homeless when we stay in the US now.
I guess I can try Bitcoin Co. app on her US phone. I just wonder if the gift cards will be useable in Canada. It also wouldn't solve my gas and grocery dilemma as we have different chains. I could still get walmart and home depot cards though. Maybe I will do a test and get a 10 dollar US card and see if it works in Canada.
I'm curious to find out if that plan works.
I will wait to see what their response is first. Could be as simple as they are switching partners in Canada or something. I am sure they don't have deals with these brands individually, it must be some service they use.
Correspondence could have been better though. Give me a notification when I open the app. These brands will be unavailable or delisted as of such and such date. Then I would have loaded up on the ones I want or bought the international Visa cards they recently had a 3% back deal on.