I'm not new to bitcoin or crypto and have been DCA'ing since 2021. I had a realization in February of this year that it might be a good time to sell some of my portfolio and reinvest in a stronger asset.
I invest strictly for cashflow in LC/LCOL areas (low crime, low cost of living), so my thought was trading an asset like a low income rental property for a high quality asset like BTC isnt such a horrible idea, even if it cash flows.
It took from middle of February until just the end of last month for me to liquidate roughly 50% of my REI portfolio. I picked the properties I was leased thrilled with holding rather than the ones that had the highest value. This had an unintentional effect of making me appreciate those assets I held onto even more.
I think I did it at just the right time too because the last property was on the market for 5 months and I was worried it was not going to sell.
One of the really frustrating parts was dealing with the transfer of funds. It really makes you appreciate how fast final settlement occurs on the blockchain when in the traditional finance world it takes anywhere between 3 to 7 business days before the proceeds from a sale clear and you're able to move them, then another 7 to 14 days to be able to withdraw your Bitcoin from an exchange after you've purchased it.
Currently I have 30% of the proceeds from the sales sitting on exchanges as limit orders waiting for a spike down (even though it might not happen), 20% is put aside for uncle sam and the remaining 50% is currently in cold storage.
Thank you for letting us know. I despise people who come here to SN to take advantage in this way.
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Nice, good work on that list btw
LOL every time I see somebody that is "investing" in Bitcoin as an "asset"... I just laugh. These kind of people are the first ones selling BTC back for fiat... and embrace CBDCs.
Isn't Bitcoin an asset?
Bitcoin is freedom money.
Bitcoin is a state of mind, it goes beyond of just "freedom money". It transforms you as an individual. I've seen your Nostr, i know you know what i'm talking about. :)
it goes beyond of just "freedom money"
IMO Cash is an asset.
Every pleb will go through these stages:
  1. "Bitcoin is crypto/gambling"
  2. "Bitcoin is an investment"
  3. "Bitcoin is an asset" / "Gold 2.0"
  4. "Bitcoin is THE money"
  5. "Bitcoin isn't just THE money, it's a also a state of mind. It transforms you as an individual, and will continue to transform you as you gain more knowledge and understanding about it."

Every pleb reading this, this is a message for you, don’t be afraid to say stupid shit like "Bitcoin is an asset", it's part of the learning process. You may not like Darth ""toxic"" comments, but remember:
He cannot teach you anything. He can only make you think.
We can only plant a seed of curiosity in you and hope that it grows into a desire for knowledge and understanding.
One day you will look back and say "those damn toxic maxis were right".
“The greatest investment you can make is in yourself.”
https://m.stacker.news/6512 This is you and your family