LOL every time I see somebody that is "investing" in Bitcoin as an "asset"... I just laugh. These kind of people are the first ones selling BTC back for fiat... and embrace CBDCs.
Isn't Bitcoin an asset?
Bitcoin is freedom money.
Bitcoin is a state of mind, it goes beyond of just "freedom money". It transforms you as an individual. I've seen your Nostr, i know you know what i'm talking about. :)
it goes beyond of just "freedom money"
please go back to study Bitcoin...
IMO Cash is an asset.
Every pleb will go through these stages:
  1. "Bitcoin is crypto/gambling"
  2. "Bitcoin is an investment"
  3. "Bitcoin is an asset" / "Gold 2.0"
  4. "Bitcoin is THE money"
  5. "Bitcoin isn't just THE money, it's a also a state of mind. It transforms you as an individual, and will continue to transform you as you gain more knowledge and understanding about it."

Every pleb reading this, this is a message for you, don’t be afraid to say stupid shit like "Bitcoin is an asset", it's part of the learning process. You may not like Darth ""toxic"" comments, but remember:
He cannot teach you anything. He can only make you think.
We can only plant a seed of curiosity in you and hope that it grows into a desire for knowledge and understanding.
One day you will look back and say "those damn toxic maxis were right".
“The greatest investment you can make is in yourself.”