It makes sense to have so-called commodity hardware/software to do prof-of-work. The latest ASIC is hardly a commodity piece, one can't buy it at the local hardware store. Easy access to that hardware/software would make more people participate and secure the network. Ain't that the whole idea?
Yeah so a new mining pool called "Ocean" booted up recently promoting itself on the idea of providing support for ASIC space heater users (which includes ASIC water tank heaters, green house heaters etc etc etc). While I don't think ASICs will ever be in Best Buy for example (if only because online retail is killling brick and mortor stores) you can actually buy ASICs off of newegg
Like monero CPU mining? I doubt that's possible. Other ideas?
Yeah, that is one good example. Whatever happened to that? Is that still a thing? :-) Just imagine, the south side of your mountain property (with a waterfall) dedicated to producing solar and hydro energy to secure the network(s) ... that's a dream worth having. IMHO....
If monero were as used and valued as Bitcoin, we would see multiple CPU motherboards gain popularity. 16 Ryzen architecture CPU slots per board would be everywhere and people would complain that they can't buy CPUs because of "the crypto miners"
Exactly. Maybe the answer is the new, cheaper commodity like heater miners, combined with Ocean style pools, if the goal is to combat centralization of mining power. I'm not sure how practical that is, though.