You did all the work. I must say, @nifty's achievement is truly astounding, as was @tnuts420. I know this from having experience in other survivor pools. Therefore, I hope nifty replies to this post so I can zap the shit out of it.
15.4k sats \ 1 reply \ @nifty 5 Dec 2023
Thanks @siggy47! It was my first time doing a survivor pool. I went a lot further than I thought I would! :)
Fantastic job!
Absolutely. When we were discussing this in August, I definitely didn't think it was going to run until the first week of Dec. I figured we were good until about week 7.
btw the bitcoin co. issue in Canada was relating to one of their gift card partners doing an update that caused some sort of glitch. It was fixed the day after we were discussing it.