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this territory is moderated
I hope SN doesn't become Reddit 2.0. Reddit is toxic, SN from my experience has been really great. If the community holds it's ground, and votes for the type of posts it wants with it's sats. The cream rises as they say. I guess we just gotta trust the process. And hey, if it becomes a cesspool of toxic BS and that can be linked to the over abundance of territories then pull the territories and roll back to how it was before hand. Sure some territory communities that are great will suffer as usually happens the silent majority get boned because of the loud mouth few. But they'll still have a place to be in the saloon and hell we even used the meta take overs to provide spaces for those kinds of people.
You guys do great work, I hope it won't come to that but if it does, there's always an exit strategy πŸ˜‰
Is this the song you were looking for yesterday? Because that's the first one I found when I googled your mess of lyrics and I read the lyrics and said, nope cant' be this one. Haha.
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Haha I don't know. It has a couple lyrics you referenced but I was thinking that was a chorus you were trying to recall so I was looking for lyrics similar to that bunched together.
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I'm the opposite, read the whole thing before decide to have a listen πŸ˜‚
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I don't like to listen to songs with lyrics while reading, too much distractions - am I gonna focus on listening to the lyrics or reading? πŸ˜‚
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but that's singing, you don't need to use your brain to think πŸ˜‚
I didn't know how deep your interpretation will be, so didn't play the music while reading:)
Excellent job, @ekzyis!
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This post gave me an idea for a fun post or series of posts if others want to submit there own. I am going to take a song and change the lyrics to make it Stacker News/bitcoin themed. I have something in mind. I am going to work on this later tonight, as I am heading out shortly to take my daughter to the movies.
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I'll see you and raise you with "you sound bloody tired too!"
Which is projection, because I am bloody tired.... it's been such a long day and it's barely over.
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![Affix guy nodding meme here with caption, ”I see what you did there”]
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Oh, I assumed you were saying that Darth was tired of the whole new sub/territory shenanigans.
It appears he is.
The only sane and clean place remains the SN Saloon... change my mind.
I do agree with him - today the first time I've felt myself feeling out of the loop and sitting back on the porch to watch the kids play.
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The story of you with your estranged friend is pretty sad. I'm an oldish, pretty mellow dude, who keeps himself to himself. That sort of hostility in real life just seems weird. Sure, I find it funny here (with ol' Darth) but in real life it's not good to see.
Sometimes people dig themselves in a hole - and just keep on digging.
He didn't sound like he'd done his homework, so to speak, and thought he'd bash you with something he'd copied. Both your ex friend and the altcoin creator.
For me even slightly forcing something onto someone else rarely equals to anything but being confrontational and therefore counterproductive. So I just try not to do it.
What seems missing, for me, is that sense of curiosity.
This sense of curiosity and sharing to find an answer is what makes me admire the FOSS, art and skateboarding communities (from a distance).
Although relatively old, but surely not as old as Sigl, I can't help but be curious about everything and with it, maybe retained a younger heart (probably Sig too).
I once got into a darkened cab, had a great conversation and really late in the conversation twigged my age I guess after assuming that I was much younger.
Sadly many of our role models, whether fictional or real (sometimes our real ones have only fictional ones to imprint on themselves) and with it, they come out pretty flat and act a role rather than become themselves.
I 'grew up' in a DIY culture - not just the toolbox type, but also a pretty DIY punk one too. I helped set up a club.
Growing up in a DIY culture, you can try many things for size and adapt - and make your own things until they work.
However, the reverse can be true too. I've seen many come unstuck with a drug, new friends or an idea that's truly off the wall.
I can't say my own role models have been conventional - I guess I've been lucky that I've come through it unscathed.
If you've no truly loving conventional role models - one could face a treacherous path ahead - that of having to use your friends as role models and to them you. Truly a scary prospect.
I'll get out of this cab here at this corner - I'll stretch my much I owe ya? Nice meeting ya bud. Don't worry, keep the change.
[Door opens, light goes on] πŸ’€πŸ˜΅...