If I were you, I would feel profoundly flattered that people a) noticed you were gone, and b) cared.
Ooooh, believe me, I was. I was soo much, I again spinned it to make myself bad because I just disappeared without telling anyone because I thought "No one is going to care anyway. Or at least after a few days. And that's good. I don't even want them to care, that's the whole point of disappearing, no? That you literally disappear without leaving any trace?"
One of my other 76841 biggest problems is definitely that I don't know how to show my feelings to other people so I rather just ... I don't know. Not say anything? lol
Believe me, the past days have been crazy with me disappearing, releasing the PM, releasing territories, intervened with lots of personal stuff (I may finally found a climbing buddy after 3 years, completely by chance, ...)
If I ever feel confident enough to talk about myself publicly (without exposing too much PII?), I may make a blog post about my journey in life one day :)
I feel like the up's are getting higher and higher... but at the same time, the down's are getting much more surprising in return. Maybe not necessarily lower, but the surprise is what makes them so bad.
(oof, did I already overshare?)
(oof, did I already overshare?)
Haha, it's okay amigo, you're in a safe territory :)
If I ever feel confident enough to talk about myself publicly (without exposing too much PII?), I may make a blog post about my journey in life one day :)
Many of us will be excited when it arrives.
Many of us will be excited when it arrives.
And one (big?) part in this post will be how I am not sure if that's what I want in life.
Sometimes, you just want to be a @nemo, you know? lol
lmao, except the part where people continuously mention you because you were so funny and they really miss you