I feel like there's a point within some bitcoiners' journies in which they come to terms with the fact that Bitcoin is NOT for everyone.
Bitcoin is all about creating a better world, but the reality that seeps in more and more just by looking at the data suggests that the transition will be ugly.
There will be swaths of people who likely never own any Bitcoin at all, or such insignificant amounts that they won't be any better off. The average person will only have "exposure" to Bitcoin through some paper-fabricated product, keeping them stuck in the fiat system.
Everyone is moving upstream against a current that's only getting faster. It's becoming more expensive just to fund our reckless behavior than it is to defend it.
Something must break.
I don't think some magic AI wave or other saving grace is going to swoop down and save everyone from this real damage that fiat is creating.
Those who took out the time to see Bitcoin will build the foundation for bigger and better societies, cultures, and economies. Bitcoin was never meant to bring equality to the world. Equality is an anti-natural psyop.
One is just better than the other. There will be winners and there will be losers.
When I reoriented my mind to think of history as cyclical rather than linear, I instantly started to feel more connected to it. Everything that happened in the past isn't necessarily "in the past" -- it actively dictates the present day.
And there's only so much deprogramming that our technology can do to keep society "stable" -- at the end of the day, we are ancient biological beings, and our actions over time will reflect that.
Noah's Ark and the stories told in ancient literature merely reflect the movements of society at large. In the 21st century, fiat is the flood. My more naive self liked to think that somehow, this time with Bitcoin is different, that maybe the world will recognize a good thing, and act on it accordingly. But definitely not.
The world will become much better with Bitcoin. But not everyone will be able to enjoy that. It will be a long, increasingly chaotic battle to fight.
Some people simply are not ready for the responsibility that Bitcoin gives them. Taking self custody of your own money isn't child's play -- it's a revolutionary action, and you better believe it'll be challenged.
It's like the internet. There are many elderly people around still who think they never use the internet without realizing that every business they go to, every phone call they make, their bank accounts, etc. are all entirely dependent on it. So in what sense do they "not use it"? I think eventually bitcoin will be like that. Everyone will be using it because it will be the backbone of all monetary activity, even if they refuse to acknowledge it.
Yup, everyone will benefit from bitcoin long term in their daily lives whether they have it or not, but not everyone will avoid the pain that's due to come from fiat
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It is a simple action, but what it entails for you means much more than some people can handle. Just the state of 21st century fiat. People dont want to own things, those who do will survive.
@DarthCoin we request your meme services!
... as you wish...
Just the state of 21st century fiat.
Most people are not ready to be unplugged. I stopped trying to orange pill friends/family.
i never give up on my close family but many many friends, yes it's just not worth it. ugh
My family was asking about it. I told them they shouldn't get into Bitcoin unless they understood it. That closed down the Bitcoin discussion.
Bitcoin is economic freedom and empowerment, but it's not for everyone. It's only for those who accept.
This reminds me of George Wilson’s case
In 1829 two men, George Wilson and James Porter, robbed a United States mail carrier. Both were subsequently captured and tried in a court of law. In May 1830 both men were found guilty of six charges, including robbery of the mail “and putting the life of the driver in jeopardy.” Both Wilson and Porter received their sentences: Execution by hanging, to be carried out on July 2.
Porter was executed on schedule, but Wilson was not. Influential friends pleaded for mercy to the President of the United States, Andrew Jackson, on his behalf. President Jackson issued a formal pardon, dropping all charges. Wilson would have to serve only a prison term of 20 years for his other crimes. Incredibly, George Wilson refused the pardon!
An official report stated Wilson chose to “waive and decline any advantage or protection which might be supposed to arise from the pardon….” Wilson also stated he “…had nothing to say, and did not wish in any manner to avail himself in order to avoid sentence….” The U.S. Supreme Court determined, “The court cannot give the prisoner the benefit of the pardon, unless he claims the benefit of it…. It is a grant to him: it is his property; and he may accept it or not as he pleases.” Chief Justice John Marshall wrote, “A pardon is an act of grace, proceeding from the power entrusted with the execution of the laws…. (But) delivery is not completed without acceptance. It may then be rejected by the person to whom it is tendered, and…we have no power in a court to force it on him.”
Some people simply are not ready for the responsibility that Bitcoin gives them.
yes, they'd prefer someone else to take care of it for them even they have Bitcoin 😂
Very good article !
There will be winners and there will be losers.
totally agree!
Bitcoin will spur a revival of personal responsibility. Statism has diffused responsibility, where no one is responsible for themselves and everyone is responsible for everyone. Responsibility and freedom are two sides of the same coin. The absolution from responsibility offered by the system was a bait to take our freedom away. Most people took the bait and dragged others with them.
Bitcoin incentivizes taking back responsibility, and when we learn to be responsible again, the bait will lose its appeal and we'll reclaim our freedom too.
Maybe not all of us, and only those who desire it most.
Great take. “ Some people simply are not ready for the responsibility that Bitcoin gives them.” the key word missing at the end is “yet.” Every day people go from “I’m not a Bitcoin yet” to being one. Everyone’s time will come, but only when they’ve had enough pain in the current system or are forward thinking like many of us psychopaths!
We all deserve different price of Bitcoin. The more I stack today the more nocoiners/ignorant close to me people I can save in the future. I don't want they suffer that's why try to teach them Bitcoin today
Sometimes you have to let them suffer, otherwise you're doing them a disservice.
As Jesus said: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do."
We don't need to be worse than someone else, but try to do our best
Most people can't comprehend the importance to holds to freedom and ownership but we that do will always stick to it
They'll all use it, each and every human being, but of course only a few of us who actually do our own thinking will care enough to protect our own keys.
The most likely scenario, in my mind, is that governments will all be forced to back their local currencies with a blend of Bitcoin & Gold in their treasuries. So all paper currency will have a large percentage of Bitcoin backing, and that will be enough for most people. (Until govts take them off the bitcoin standard like they did in 1971 w/ gold.)
So since you can always depend on govts to lie and steal and cheat, in time it will be absolutely unavoidable for everyone to be forced back into full-ownership of their bitcoin, although that may take another 200 years.
yep that is just how I see it -- 200 years sounds about right, maybe less, but far longer than what I think many bitcoiners are hoping for
Equality was never meant to mean equality of outcome. It's supposed to mean equality of opportunity. Very different thing. Everyone has the opportunity to own some Bitcoin, most haven't taken it.
There will always be a Pareto distribution of wealth. And I'm not just talking about money. Wealth is all of the worlds resources. This happens at every level. There will always be richer people, companies, states and countries on this distribution curve.
That said, everyone can still benefit from incorruptible money. For the first time in history we've got a money, a measuring stick, that doesn't inflate at the whim of whoever is in control. That's a pretty big deal even if it only becomes the foundation of the financial system in the future.
That is true.
I don't think everyone will use self custodial Bitcoin.
But having said that, also not everyone uses cards and rely on cash only, yet we think of cards as being ubiquitous.
You don't have to have everyone in a system, just a large majority.
Although I enjoyed this, I disagree that people won’t be better off even if they only own insignificant amounts. If it’s a world on a Bitcoin Standard, it already is better off than now because Bitcoin is a better money than fiat - Eg. there won’t be inflation due to government counterfeiting. That’s the whole reason we love Bitcoin. So even small amounts will hold their value. Those who hold some from early on will end up with more value, for sure. But in a world using Bitcoin as currency, everyone is better off than now.
Yep, as I said Bitcoin will make the world a better place, it's just that I fear not everyone really will be able to enjoy that world. At least in the next few transitionary decades. Eventually though yes, everyone will economically benefit from bitcoin whether they own it or not
Certainly, Bitcoin and the associated technologies may not be utilzed by everyone directly, now, and perhaps not ever. Which is due to the reluctance of many individuals to embrace new technology or their specific circumstances. Nevertheless, the widespread adoption may occur if Bitcoin becomes the foundational framework for global payment systems, similar to how almost everyone on Earth has interacted with TCP/IP in some capacity, even if only minimally, and only a small fraction of people fully understand it or even know it. I anticipate a similar trajectory for Bitcoin technology.
yep, totally agree
The interest payment on federal debt is similar to the US dollar supply
Most people are not prepared for change or revolution, they like to be in their comfort zone and Bitcoin changes all that, which is why they are not interested in bitcoin. They only have to learn the hard way