Its time for me to begin my journey into lightning
What are the best lightning wallets?
I know Umbrel is super easy, but I'd like to dig a bit more into the weeds a bit.
Umbrel is an OS, not a wallet. Zeus is a good wallet you can connect to your node.
I like Raspiblitz for a node OS because you have the option to use lnd or core lightning.
I would also suggest citadel because it is FOSS and has an app store.
I tried all, for real. I'm a SE and I'm currently managing two bitcoin full nodes and I'm running Raspblitz on one and MyNode on the other
Both are a good option for mid-tier technical skills but MyNode has a better UI and it might be useful if you are into that
I think it's a good idea to first start with Umbrel (or even better Citadel), get that set up and play with it for a little bit (without major or even any actual Bitcoin). It almost works like a great intro tutorial. Then as a next step you can try installing things directly, switching to CLN, etc.
I was running umbrel for a while. It just seemed too easy & didn't feel right.
I'll try cidadel
raspiblitz gets my vote, if you are going to go rapberry pi route. Very simple and intuitive. Stable.
I know Umbrel may be more popular but something very cool about raspiblitz form-factor. Heard good things about mynode, haven't tried it.
As well as os/software, I'd consider hardware carefully and your use case/needs.
I use Raspiblitz for my node, and I connect Zeus wallet to it to spend via my node. Together, those two make for a good LN operator experience, but there's multiple ways to execute.
This is great!
Is quite confusing your post. The title is about nodes, inside you ask about wallets. Is not the same thing.
For nodes... depends what you want to do. If you want to have a good routing node: use CLN If you just want to use LN for private use, you don't need a full desktop node. Use any mobile LN nodes like Blixt, SBW, Breez, Electrum and you have more than enough.
More guides to read:
What is CLN?
CLN = Core Lightning There are 5 LN implementations (like many Bitcoin node software implementations): LND, CLN, Eclair, Immortan, Rust