One of the ways you spell your name to differentiate it from your public corporation is like this: brandon-joe:williams. The name is in all lower case. It's [firstname]-[middlename]:[lastname].
You can spell your human name in any possible way you want - the choice is yours. There is no set way to do it. I’m just giving you an example. It’s YOUR name to write as you please. You could do Williams, Brandon-Joe, willams; brandon joe, etc. Anything you want is fine… it’s your name!
fun fact, I don't like the name my parent gave me 🤣 I used to think why do I need to use a name that is not chosen by me? Isn't this my own life? so I barely use it, pretty detached from that "company" in a sense.
another fun fact afaik you can issue your own documents and put whatever name you want on them
another rabbit hole to dig 👀