Nostr sometimes still feels like people yelling into the water well or the abyss. Waiting for someone to say hello back. On SN, we're discussing specific themes & topics so conversations feel more focused and social.
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but the ultimate turn off for me is no delete option there, what if I shared something might regret in the future 🧐 fiat platforms are bad but at least you still got to delete it.
what if I shared something might regret in the future
All it takes is one wrong action, and everyone treats you like a monster, forcing you to take on that role.
That's why i use new identities after a while.
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At the moment i have one for games, one for SN/nostr, and a few random ones for other sites and stuff.
So true. Or at least edit. Then you could scrub those notes, even if all the original relays are not online for those that are.
Clients could decide whether to respect edits or not, but it is a must have on the protocol IMHO, if we want to have civil conversations and not everything fossilised forever.
That or having ephemeral messages an accessible note type, that disappear after x months.
or happy to pay to delete it, but there is no such option...
censorship resistant is fun and cool but taking away my freedom to delete is not cool, good thing is SN better integrated with zaps and with the option to delete, win win! I think people would be more open to share giving the option to delete.
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Everything has a beginning, and everything has an end. You can't undo, so you move forward.
Very wise points. Here's a graphic I made earlier about privacy...
Maybe Step 6 should become before Step 5, lol
I'm between 5 and 6 πŸ˜„
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Where would the sats go if you paid to delete? πŸ‘€
To all relays who have your note and are willing to delete. But we already have that, the problem is, not all relays support note deletion.
dunno, so complicated now - isn't all we want is free to share and connect? and use btc in between for value transfer, now it's so complicated with Nostr, with so much side effect..
agree, Nostr still feels like fiat social media to me, posting things then wait for comments or likes? that lead to many people trying to farm engagements.
SN is flowing more naturally and getting zaps in between instead of cheap likes:)!
Every Nostr LIKE should be a zap, even if 1 sat. I don't like empty likes. They are trying to make Nostr like fiat social media, which i don't agree with. Bots will be everywhere. We need everything with a sat cost.
Commenting on my posts and "retweeting" my posts should also cost sats
They are trying to make Nostr like fiat social media
yes! and even worst, no delete option πŸ˜‚
100%. Looks like we’re all smitten.
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too much stalking right, and once it's linked it's linked FOREVER.
Yeah. I can't stop people from following me, and i also can't stop my posts/replys from appearing on their feeds, so i rather simply not post anything there.