These guys were advertising in stacker news a few months ago:
I was wondering if perhaps any fellow stacker news user has used their services and would be eager to share his experience. Their offering is interesting, but some degree of trust is required, so I think having real feedback on how they do would be great for all of us to better judge them.
federated computer isn't even federated.
They'll host open source software for you. By using the FOSS, you're able to export your data in a shared format and migrate to other hosts running the same FOSS (or self host your data). This is not possible with Web2.0 apps because each is a walled garden.
With all Web2.0 apps (including fed computer), you still cannot verify that they are not viewing your data. And you cannot verify they will not lose your data.
Better to host yourself and learn to keep data safe or find an Uncle Jim you trust. Its better than trust some random company that would rather invest money in stealing your attention than making a better product
Any federation is like this...
If you want to join... be my guest. You have been warned. Darth is always right when he say something. Otherwise he will just STFU.
I'm confused. So what exactly are these guys doing?
... eh fuck each others?
Oh. Now I see!
That is literally a "federation". You don't believe me? Fine @remindme 3 years
Oh, I believe you. I'm just amazed by your art collection.
please, don't!
I am just a guy showing you where to look and investigate more.
deleted by author
I am just hoping... but @k00b and @ekzyis don't want to implement it because they are afraid I am too damn right.
@remindme all the time that darthcoin is right
Do you have a substack post with all the things you are right (past and future) ?