Your everyday carry. What do you always keep with you as you travel the world and move around day to day?
Personally have never needed to have much on me. Basics like phone wallet and keys, sometimes a pocket knife depending where I'm going. Used to keep a flashlight but the phone has assumed that role, along with telling me the time.
When I travel for longer periods, I love carrying a small coin purse around to contain all the fiat I deal in when abroad. They're also handy for storing sensitive documents like my passport, train tickets, etc.
But in general I try to stay pretty minimal.
Wondering what stackers have found use in carrying with them each day? Or for when you travel!
I like staying minimal too - I only use a 20 inch suitcase to travel around 🤓
for daily
  • key
  • cash
  • card
  • phone, sometimes
for traveling daily thing plus a book and pen + notebook:)
pen + notebook is a good idea, i always end up using my phone notes. tech deflation :,)
  • CalyxOS Phone
  • Kore Leather Bifold Wallet
  • Benchmade Mini Bugout Knife
  • Olight M1T Flashlight
  • Hamilton Khaki Field Mechanical Watch
  • Gum
  • Earpods
  • Brain
Very nice. Preferred gum??
Your typical 7/11 mint gum. Sometimes simple is best.
  • phone
  • wallet
  • tallow lip balm from Clara & Fritz
  • dog shit bags lmao
  • pocket blade
Lip balm is a racket
suit urself play boi
dog shit bags lmao
They may come in handy for you some day you never know what'll happen o.0
In the freer states of the 🇺🇸 -
  • Unlocked Pixel 8 Pro w/ GrapheneOS.
  • Titanium keyring w/ One Hundred Concepts key suppressor.
  • Defy waterproof pouch w/ fiat cards, cash, and 50% ear plugs.
  • P365XL in Tulster OWB strong-side holster.
  • 17 round mag in neomag clipped to pocket.
  • Off-body medical from Refuge Medical.
  • VanMan's peppermint beeswax lip balm.
All cowboys are supposed to be packing two revolvers at all times.
Well I wouldnt talk about those explicitly now would i!!
Here's a few of the things I like, that some people miss:
-- Tiny folding scissors. They will make it through airport security, and I can use them for many of the purposes of knives. Oftentimes they're more useful. I just went to an event the last couple days, I loaned the scissors to four different people, all of whom had flown there and had no knife/scissors. Here's two that have gotten through airport security multiple times (and if they don't, you're out $1.50) :
-- Paper and pencil. I usually just staple 10 or so sheets of notebook paper together, and also carry a little cut-down mechanical pencil. Yes, you can also use notes on your phone. But you'd be surprised how much people appreciate that you don't take out your phone (and then get caught in various notifications).
A long time ago I USD to carry a small notebook & pen in case I had any good ideas. I guess the smart phone killed that
Librem5 (w\512gb uSD rocking PMOS) Kershaw Pocket Knife Anker battery pack OLight i3 flashlight Aftershockz headphones. PineTime Watch Jack Georges leather bifold wallet Flipper Zero(for the lulz)
How do you like the PineTime watch? Any alternatives you would consider?
I can't say it has the best connectivity, but that has to do with the phone side apps not being matured. Pine64 makes some fantastic products, however, relying on so much community development has the drawback of any devices having long maturation periods.
That said, I love having a month long battery cycle. Makes me yearn for my Pebble watch again.
No alternatives for the watch, I got burned out on the smartwatch game with the Moto Watch series(round face, less than a day battery life, etc...) Sometimes the simplest connectivity is the best.
Any recommendations?
phone wallet keys (keychain has a small swiss army knife) zippo
a leatherman wave. carbon fiber money clip.
usually I carry phone, keys, a slim wallet and my phone with some fiat in the case. I like to carry a leatherman surge if its winter and It fits in my jacket easily.
TIL what EDC means
Phone, slim wallet, pocket knife, key ring with car key, house key, yubikey, and mini Phillips and flathead screwdriver, and a watch.
U recommend yubikey? Thinking of picking up a few for myself n family
If you've got an old trezor knocking around, you can fire it up with a fresh BIP-85 seed and then use it as a FIDO/2fa auth key in many of the same situations as Yubi.
Has the benefit of not needing redundant hardware backups like Yubi, just restore a new device from seed.
what about a ledger? 🙈
Wrote that assuming no Stackers use Trezors for their main coins, certainly not single sig. But can also use it as a kind of warm wallet - carry a small amount of on chain sats for SHTF situations.
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It works well for me. There’s definitely some nuance in picking the right model depending on the device(s) you plan to use it with, for physical compatibility. Price point isn’t bad, though I bought mine a few years ago so that may have changed
Since I can't bring my Kershaw Speedsafe Cryo on an airplane, I always have a Pentel GraphGear 1000 (full metal) mechanical pencil clipped to my pocket, which is always allowed everywhere. It's a great mechanical pencil and a great self defense tool.
Lol hopefully youre never stuck defending yourself with a metal pencil 😭
While it doesn’t have the deterrent effect of a quickly flipped pocket knife, it is equally effective at disabling an attacker.
It also has a secondary benefit as an emergency tracheotomy device.
Everyone should learn how to do this:
Standard 3 pocket check. Wallet, phone, keys
  • Phone
  • pepper spray
  • camera
  • wallet
  • Phone
  • Eyepods
  • Novels
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Ah yes, the altoid tin ftw
And you are right, confidence is crucial to successful travel, otherwise you will just be overwhelmed