TIL what EDC means
Phone, slim wallet, pocket knife, key ring with car key, house key, yubikey, and mini Phillips and flathead screwdriver, and a watch.
U recommend yubikey? Thinking of picking up a few for myself n family
If you've got an old trezor knocking around, you can fire it up with a fresh BIP-85 seed and then use it as a FIDO/2fa auth key in many of the same situations as Yubi.
Has the benefit of not needing redundant hardware backups like Yubi, just restore a new device from seed.
what about a ledger? 🙈
Wrote that assuming no Stackers use Trezors for their main coins, certainly not single sig. But can also use it as a kind of warm wallet - carry a small amount of on chain sats for SHTF situations.
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It works well for me. There’s definitely some nuance in picking the right model depending on the device(s) you plan to use it with, for physical compatibility. Price point isn’t bad, though I bought mine a few years ago so that may have changed