My all time high was 352 pounds in the middle of quarantine. After fixing my diet with the help of Bitcoin carnivores, I am now almost under 300 in just a few months. Bitcoiners have been encouraging me the entire way and I am forever greatful. I'm working really hard, but it's worth it. I've been walking consistently and lifting at the gym 1-2 times per week My energy is way up, and everything is easier! My final goal weight is a muscular 220 like I was when I was an athlete in high school and college. Thanks for the support!
I also shared lots of my story on twitter and always #NEEDhealth. You can see some of it by searching that hashtag, but lots got deleted because my old account was banned by Elon haha.
*fun side note: I'll be boxing a member of TEM in Nashville 2024, so I reeeeaaaally need to get in shape haha. More incentive!
Let’s go!!! Thanks so much for sharing! I am in a similar boat as I have gone from 241 to 195 over the last year. Do you have a daily step goal that you are trying to hit?
How did the boxing match come about?
Keep it going!
Awesome job! And thank you!
Love when people take control of their health. The positive benefits carry over to so many other aspects of life. Great job man.
That is awesome. Keep it up. Have you ever looked into fasting. Whether it be intermittent or more longer duration, I have found it to be an incredible tool for weight loss. It is also a great practice to learn about our relationships with food and everything. And I believe it is super healing for the body not to be constantly spending energy on digesting food.
you are correct, and yes, I have been intermittent fasting for about 3 months now. I fast 16 hours and have an 8 hour eating window each day. It works!!!
Awesome! I have been through all kinds of phases with food. Carnivore, vegan, raw, junk food, OMAD. Food is a journey. The main thing is that we believe in what we are trying and make it sustainable.
That's really great. You go dude.
Thanks for sharing
pro tip: set your goal by shirt size or belt size instead of kg/pounds 🤙🏽
wtf is the perfect weight for humans anyway 🫠
good tip! I'm down many notches in my belt already!
Good to see you here, day a day... you will.
good to see you too! thank you
Good work! Gotta want it.
yessir, thanks!