I stopped doing coinjoins for long time. LN is much better.... if you know how to do it.
Samourais and coinjoiners are wasting your sats and time. Don't fall into that trap.
Yeah except that LN doesn't typically have liquidity above 0.2BTC and even that is a stretch. So for sending large amounts LN isn't going to cut it just yet.
In addition, there are some privacy issues with LN both on the sender and receiver side even if you run your own node, so I don't think it's as clear cut as "LN is much better", on-chain privacy is still important and LN still has privacy issues that are important to be aware of.
All this, and the fact that lightning channels still require on-chain TXes to open and close and right now the specific utxo of the channel is also doxxed over gossip means that onchain privacy is very important
A CoinSwap != CoinJoin
Yeah, but no one even mentioned CoinSwap and it's not relevant at all, so why did you even bring it up?
Because the nature of breaking your history of your on-chain funds will be a coin swap/submarine swap - very different from a coin-join. Also keep in mind, in a coinjoin it's always on chain unlike doing a submarine swap that makes you go off-chain for a brief amount of time.
People still don't know how to use efficiently LN...
Just an example:
  1. Open a 5M sats channel, could be private or public it doesn't matter too much, in the end.
  2. Do several swaps through that channel in a total amount of 5 BTC, using many swap services (boltz, loop, fixeedfloat, coinos, zigzag, chainmarket etc)
  3. close channel. On the blockchain will be reflected only 5M sats not 5BTC.
Done, you just "wash" 5 BTC.
In joinmarket the takers don't have to deal with doxxic change. This is why I prefer it over whirlpool.
Takers don't deal with it but they are affected by it.
Makers' toxic change means they can undo the CoinJoin. Any privacy the Takers get could unravel as the toxic change gets merged with Maker outputs later on. Makers make a bad merge? Taker has tough luck.