ideally you study science, dont believe it.
good point. very good point indeed :)
slow clap
There is a conflict when people believe they can look to their intellectual leaders as a type of god, capable of determining the fates of others.
Yes, I agree. I experienced the opposite though:
Sometimes, people are so religious, they think this makes them a good person and they don't see that they are actually horrible persons, lol :)
Or I don't know where this comes from. It's just weird to be religious and be a horrible person since religion is all about trying to be a good person, no?
But then, why are they just so horrible to interact with? Like wanting to fight all the time? How does this make sense? I can only speculate: Do they think, it doesn't matter how horrible they are, they are going to get saved no matter what since they go to church every Sunday?
Biggest mystery to me, lol :)
I try to live my life like this: No one is going to save me, I have to save myself, lol :)
I think its more a reflection of the death of civil society. As an example, politicians have stripped any sense of morality from religion and instead use it as a cudgel for their own purposes, I think that rubs off on weak minded people.
There is also a phenomena that people of high moral conviction can sometimes come across as abrasive due to their insistence, and people of no moral conviction can come across as nice because they have no standards to hold a conversational partner to; not saying thats what you are experiencing, but in religion and in fiction the most depraved are often depicted as offering great rewards, in the bible lucifer corrupted the world with the promise of the forbidden fruit (or sex, or knowledge depending on your interpretation).
I prefer civility and empathy in dealing with people, I find it promotes feelings of confidence and prevents insecurity on my part, I know I am treating others the way I prefer to be treated, and it has generally proved to be a more effective means of communication.
There is also a phenomena that people of high moral conviction can sometimes come across as abrasive due to their insistence, and people of no moral conviction can come across as nice because they have no standards to hold a conversational partner to;
thanks, might indeed be simply related to "high moral conviction". so religion is just one example of such human behavior.
i think that's also why anyone who even attempts to start speaking from a moral high ground to me immediately gets dismissed. i don't have time for this, sorry, my past experiences tell me this isn't going to be worth it :)
I think you are right that there are other examples, maybe german engineers have a reputation for their exacting standards, or bitcoiners are difficult for their insistence against hardforks etc.
I dont think id put it in the same category as people acting morally self rightous, those people are just being dickheads. Think more along the lines of someone who refuses to bend certain rules even if they dont seem important, or someone whos not going to tolerate substandard work, they might come across as being a jerk, and they might be for what its worth, but its not without reason.
Think more along the lines of someone who refuses to bend certain rules even if they dont seem important, or someone whos not going to tolerate substandard work, they might come across as being a jerk, and they might be for what its worth, but its not without reason.
I'll try. It's just not easy if my experience tells me that most religious people I met are just so .... full of themselves if you try to challenge them, not realizing they are the one being jerks, lol :)
Like to be honest, wtf. It really does feel like too many people use religion as a crutch:
I don't have to be really a good person. I just have to have so much faith that I will be saved and will go to heaven anyway.
I thought we bitcoiners are sovereign people? No one is coming to save us? lol :)
Sorry, I still don't really get this whole religion thing, I guess :)
Sometimes, people are so religious, they think this makes them a good person and they don't see that they are actually horrible persons, lol :)
No, I don't see that as a core of Christianity. A fundamental truth of Christianity is that we are a damned people and cannot escape judgement except through Jesus. There's no "way" to be a good person.