I posted about this anthology the other day. Are you involved with the publication? I am looking forward to reading the stories. I hope they are worthy. I can't help but think there's a lot riding on this.
Konsensus Network is the publisher. I work with them on various projects at times and the folks involved are really friendly and just good peers all in all. I highly recommend them.
Of course, I may be biased, as I'm also one of the authors in the book 21 Futures! :D
I'm looking forward to reading your story!
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We talked about how I'm sci-fi agnostic at best. I am vowing to keep an open mind, so I'll give the anthology a chance. To me, it's risky to write in that genre. There's nothing worse than schlocky, second rate futuristic stories. Bitcoin is too important.
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The book is not directed to bitcoiners alone. In fact, bitcoiners are a secondary market for us. The idea is to create compelling, high-stakes human interest stories that are somewhat related to bitcoin and libertarian ideals. It's an opening narrative for cajoling a wider audience by using great stories instead of bitcoin evangelism.
The stories are great, but as the publisher, I am obviously biased. Best to read them yourselves :)