Remember that only you have a “birthday” on which you were born into the world from your Mother. Whereas the artificial legal “person” has a “date of birth” on which it was registered by the Registrar. These two events usually have different dates
@DarthCoin @Lux I used to think it's the same date 😳
In my case wasn't the same date. I went deeper into this and is worst than I thought. The whole situation is fucked up and we live in a lie. The mother practically is giving away her property to the state by registering that birth. The lie is so deep that regular people can't even imagine that such thing is possible, that's why many will reject it immediately and call you crazy.
Why do you think are so many cases when child are taken from their families so easily, because state have the ownership on them. Literally like cattle.
I can't check mine as it's not with me, isn't it funny when they ask “date of birth” is not mean by birthday, so which one did you fill?
The mother practically is giving away her property to the state by registering that birth.
now I wonder what's gonna happen if not registering it at all, no school? no banks? all fine, trying to understand what is "the fear" making everyone voluntarily register their new borns.