while I do agree, not everyone is smart enough to make the right plays at the right time, is liquid not a usable as a transitory tool for legit 80IQ plebs still in the learning phase? Getting from exchange to liquid and then get inbound liquidity to LN from liquid atomic swap could offload at least 50% of the transaction fees (for me when I used exhanges it would be 1 tx for off the exchange an 5 more for CJ plus ln channel tx), leaving potentially alot more space in the mempool in a high fee enviroment. unless im mistaken? while its not cheaper and faster than LN, its still cheaper and faster than onchain. Lets not make good the enemy of perfect.
Keep it simple. Why over complicate for nothing? As I said so many times: use the 3 levels stash damn it: hodl, cache, spending.
When are high fees - spend over LN When the fees goes lower, swap into LN more sats, using multiple swap services. Done. Why is so hard?