As a christian I am a monotheist. The goal isn't to be a monotheist. The goal is to know God. The issue would be if Christians were wrong and there were multiple gods. Some believe that. Its not an issue as long as we accept each other's difference and live in peace with one another. Humanities issues are the flaws with human nature. Not fundamentalism. Just wanted to say that first.
Here's the issue with maximalism.
  1. Its needed
  2. It will never be everyone
We need people that hold the line. That have beliefs grounded in knowledge and facts. People that will not budge. People of principle. People like this help us avoid becoming deluded by compromise.
We also need pragmatic people. People that understand the tradeoffs and are able to see where a compromise is a win for everyone.
We also need people that are open and do not hold to dogma. These people can be the ones pushing back on us. Keeping all of us in balance.
I never worry about maximalists. Honestly all the talk by them and about them gets old. I don't call myself a maximalist but I just don't like labels. Labels are for lazy minded people. In the end this obsession with maximalism has nothing to do with bitcoin. I've said it before, its about psychology. I recommend reading "The Righteous Mind" by Jonathan Haidt. His research and book are helpful in understanding people that do not think like you think.
"The Righteous Mind" by Jonathan Haidt
Time to re-read this book. It's been a while... Thanks for the reminder!
I dont think maximalism is needed, depending on what the definition is
Maximalism is language and language is not needed to live
To all those anti-maxis I have just this to say: SUCK MY BALLS! For more anti-maxi I will see, more toxic maxi I will be. Without maxis, Bitcoin will not be where is today. You have no fucking idea what maxis were enduring all these years...
appreciate the thoughtful response, will check out Jonathan’s work!