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Statute Merchant is Merchant Statute
Citizenship is Ship Citizen
Passport is Port Pass
Understand is Stand Under
Statute Staple is Staple Statute
There are essays by other authors on this site that say Law Merchant. Now that sounds like a merchant that sells laws. It’s not. It’s French. To translate into English, we flip the words and get…Merchant Law. Meaning the merchants had their own set of laws in their merchant towns on the coast. The King would allow them to trade and have their own ‘justice’ system. This differed from the law of the land.
There is also Statute Merchant, which is a French phrase. Flipping it around, to get English, we have Merchant Statutes. This is really the same as above. The merchant’s laws were called statutes, and still are today! They’ve gone inland and pretended everything is on the water. They’ve flooded the land like the story of Noah (so I’m told).
And there’s the phrase Statute Staple. It’s easy now, right. In English, this is Staple Statutes. The coastal towns or areas for the merchants were called Staple Towns and they had their own statutes, which by contract, became laws, the Merchant Laws.
The policee (French word) officers enforced the statutes in these towns. Starting to make sense now? Peace officers enforce common law. The policee officers enforced statutes. They can do either, depending on the circumstance.
I’ve already written about how the porte pass, a French term, related to the actual ports and commerce, are still called that today. But if we switch around the words, we get port pass, and that’s exactly what it is. It’s a way to pretend what when we’re traveling, we’re actually engaged in commerce through the ports and therefore giving the gov’t or US corporation the opportunity to pretend we’re engaged in commerce and we don’t rebut the point, thereby losing.
I wonder when more people will pay attention to these IMPORTANT red pills dropped by Lux?
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it is important to reach people directly with these red pills. Even if they do not grasp them at first, will still be there in their subconscious. Moving all this into a separate place, will make them not visible at all. And that means, ignorant people will never be awaked.
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no. posting them in the SN saloon is the most important thing. Only the brave cowboys must know this. The rest, ignorant masses do not deserve to know the truth.
yeah, I guess not many stackers come here everyday, especially those assmilkers.
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btw, do you know the meaning of the word indeed? @Lux please gather that info...
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Holly shit... THIS is so important ! Very good info.