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Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
No more freebies.
Make them pay.
Territory owners can turn off freebies. Without freebies it's really difficult for new people to get started.
Maybe we can limit freebies to bios/comments
Loving that feeling that Bitcoin is unstoppable no matter what my friends call us!
Feeling kinda shitcoiney round here lately
Is the saloon international territory? Couldn't it be a territory? One post per day.
‘Satoshi’s prescience vaporises financial elites bias’
6-word story for @cryotosensei and @siggy47
Wow you just expressed a profound truth within a succinct six words. Well done!
Nice. Internal rhyme?
Today I started contributing to Spirit of Satoshi helping to train their language model. So far it looks like a very interesting and demanding task from an intellectual point of view, since it is testing my own knowledge and ideas about Bitcoin. Also I'm learning a lot.
This is my first experience working with AI so I was wondering if any of you have had this kind of experience. Any comments or recommendations are welcome!
A bit of Darth history... TLDRs
2012 - get into Bitcoin, hard lesson, right into the 1st halving 2013 - felt the real first halving tsunami, brutal year, but I could handle it 2014 - recovered and start studying hard 2015 - start teaching more people, meetups etc, basic stuff, but good stuff. This was the year I accumulated most of BTC 2016 - really nice year, engagements with more merchants, I really wanted more people into Bitcoin. But also was the year of the 2nd halving... again a shock for me. 2017 - the block size war, terrible times, lost many "friends", too many debates, useless debates wasting my time, instead of focusing on merchants adoption 2018 - again debates with shitcoiners, sucking my energy all the time. So I decide to move away for a while, I was quiet. 2019 - just watching the world how they fight each others. 2020 - I was shocked by the amount of people coming in, without any fucking clue about BTC. So I decide to come in and help. 2021 - testing all kind of possible scenarios, talking with shit tons of merchants, trying to teach everybody I could, to share my knowledge 2022 - kinda lost my faith in humanity, falling down the slope of seeing how humanity doesn't give a shit about the world fall apart 2023 - I tried with all my energy remained to save the last souls... really hard task, when only very few are listening to your screaming warnings. 2024 - if I will be able to finish my citadel, I will just retire. yes all my haters will be happy. But I don't give a shit about them (as usual). I only hope that somebody will still read my guides and learn more.
I am sorry but I cannot save you all... I tried to warn you in any possible ways. Who had ears to listen, props to you, who just hate me, fuck off, the message wasn't for you.
kinda lost my faith in humanity I feel that... right now.
Thanks for staying on the ride and helping all of us! I’ve learned a lot and sent sats to my first merchant thanks to you. Thanks DarthCoin!
Could you use a laugh? Saturday night while formatting a SD card I deleted my boot and efi partitions on my laptop. I have never done anything this dumb on a computer before. I have backups so its not sweat but here's you reminder.
ALWAYS backup your important files. One that one copy too. And check that your backups work.
I think I really need a vacation. Maybe I need to take off my boots and hat and take a long nap. So many typos. So many mistakes.
Hey guys. I am not a technical person so this is not up my alley but I had an opportunity to virtually meet Ian about 6 months back and hear about his vision for sats rewards as a service. Just wanted to highlight his new job post.
Good heads up. People should pay more attention to these bitcoin related jobs. Don't worry guys, Darth is not going to take your bitcoin job, just to point you into the right direction.
Good middle of the week gang!! Hope everyone is doing great!!! Time to see how our strategy is going, see if it's working good or if it needs tweaking to make it easier or better, hope your day is going good and profitable. I wish you a wonderful day my friend, you are amazing and you know it, show this week what you're capable of. Have fun while doing it of course, be well and stay frosty my good friend!!
Stay frosty dude.
You knooooow it, always, my friend, let's kick some butt and show the week who's in charge. Be well!!
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Thanks, appreciate it a lot!!! Have a glorious one buddy.
What could happen if all bitcoiners in the world:
  • will stop giving a fuck about EVERYTHING?
  • will stop participating into "society" (aka paying taxes etc)
  • will stop doing stuff... just doing NOTHING. (except posting on SN, is a must)
Something like this
I think I'm already part of this 😂
Morning amigos. Here's a thought for today / mini-update:
I don't really do any social media besides SN [1], and it's been interesting to observe a phenomenon I thought I had left behind forever: getting so swept up in something that I check it a million times a day, leave a million comments, obsessively refresh the "recent" tab. The apotheosis of this was the other week's book club.
On the one hand, this was great. On the other hand, it blew my attention all to hell. Like, it seriously compromised my ability to do my job. Which, if I had kept it up, would have meant me having a lot more time on SN after I got fired. Glass half-full I guess.
Anyway, I'm trying to figure out how to balance this in a viable way. Any other situation, I would just disappear. But SN is important enough that I want to figure out how to make it work. I'll probably post an actual post about some of this (how meta) in the next day or two. It seems like an issue worth thinking about in public -- my attraction to SN is that it makes it possible to re-think what community could mean, in an online world. These effects are part of that. I think it's a deeper issue than just my own self-regulatory challenges.
Anyway, some thinking out loud.
(Also, I haven't forgotten that we have one part of book club left. Have no fear!)
[1] Not completely true. I read Twitter, but it's highly curated as a news source only, and I never post.
I write code for this distraction and it even distracts me. Maybe at some point it'll get so distracting that I become fully distracted and can't make SN even more distracting.
I hope you can figure out the work/SN harmony. I'll miss stalking your posts and comments in the meantime.
Haha, it's like your own personal block reward halving -- your shadowy super-coding keeps going down as a result of your shadowy super-coding. Eventually it asymptotes.
I'm semi retired and have trouble concentrating on my part time work. I look forward to your post. Perhaps you can design a 12 step program? I'll get the coffee urn going.
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Parlez-vous français ?

Statute Merchant is Merchant Statute
Citizenship is Ship Citizen
Passport is Port Pass
Understand is Stand Under
Statute Staple is Staple Statute
There are essays by other authors on this site that say Law Merchant. Now that sounds like a merchant that sells laws. It’s not. It’s French. To translate into English, we flip the words and get…Merchant Law. Meaning the merchants had their own set of laws in their merchant towns on the coast. The King would allow them to trade and have their own ‘justice’ system. This differed from the law of the land.
There is also Statute Merchant, which is a French phrase. Flipping it around, to get English, we have Merchant Statutes. This is really the same as above. The merchant’s laws were called statutes, and still are today! They’ve gone inland and pretended everything is on the water. They’ve flooded the land like the story of Noah (so I’m told).
And there’s the phrase Statute Staple. It’s easy now, right. In English, this is Staple Statutes. The coastal towns or areas for the merchants were called Staple Towns and they had their own statutes, which by contract, became laws, the Merchant Laws.
The policee (French word) officers enforced the statutes in these towns. Starting to make sense now? Peace officers enforce common law. The policee officers enforced statutes. They can do either, depending on the circumstance.
I’ve already written about how the porte pass, a French term, related to the actual ports and commerce, are still called that today. But if we switch around the words, we get port pass, and that’s exactly what it is. It’s a way to pretend what when we’re traveling, we’re actually engaged in commerce through the ports and therefore giving the gov’t or US corporation the opportunity to pretend we’re engaged in commerce and we don’t rebut the point, thereby losing.
Holly shit... THIS is so important ! Very good info.
I wonder when more people will pay attention to these IMPORTANT red pills dropped by Lux?
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What should I say today to be that insufferable guy again? LOL nobody pissed me off today 😂😂😂😂
Did you make that meme because man oh man, that's very accurate. Lol.
no, somebody else that was pissed off by my toxicity, did it 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Might have to use mempool.space transaction accelerator. Will give it another day but my fee of 25 sats/vb is not looking good for confirmation by day’s end. Thinking of bumping the fee to 150 sats/vb
patience is key... @ekzyis will hate me again because I do not want to use his prediction market, but soon all this madness will be slow down.
Yes indeed transaction confirmed no boost needed
I'm trying to think of ways to drive adoption. I'm a developer by trade and can't think of how to advertise Bitcoin-denominated freelance services. I also want to think harder on how to build up a community from a bottom-up approach with existing Bitcoiners. This is because while I see a lot of people joining the community, we're not engaging with it as a medium of exchange as much as I'd like to.
There's a lot of diversity in skillset in my local community that I'd like to productize for each other. I can do simple electric work, like changing a light switch for example. I want to see what other basic things we can offer each other in Bitcoin whether it's plumbing, farm produce, energy, or cooked food.
Try https://farmfoodmap.org/ and convince local farmers to take your sats. I did it and worked.
Hiroshima is a compact and charming place, where you can navigate around the city by tram. Most people would alight to see the Atomic Bomb Dome and Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, eager to discover how it has rebuilt itself after the devastation it suffered during WWII. But other attractions are captivating as well: Hiroshima Castle and Shukkei-en Garden. For sporting enthusiasts, hiking in Miyajima and cycling in Onomichi are must-do activities. Foodies will relish the chance to savour juicy oysters and savory okonomiyaki, enjoyed alongside exquisite sake. There’s something to do in Hiroshima for everyone!
No, I ain’t gonna work for Maggie’s brother no more
Well, he hands you a nickel
He hands you a dime
He asks you with a grin
If you’re havin’ a good time
Then he fines you every time you slam the door
Well, I wake in the morning
Fold my hands and pray for rain
I got a head full of ideas
That are drivin’ me insane
Drinking my 2nd green infusion tea (Jasmin), while i m looking for a job...
Blink is hiring...
Enjoy the tea and good luck job hunting.
Day 242 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 42 push-ups. (20 - 12 - 10)
This is what 30M Venezuelan Bolívares worth $1 looks like. Fiat is truly a shitty scam.
It looks like the paper is worth more than the actual currency 😂
Lol. This happened in Zimbabwe. The cost to print paper notes became more expensive than the value of the printed note.
This is f***ing insane
Yep! Look at the fiat currencies from Turkey, Egypt, Nigeria, Argentina, Lebanon and Pakistan. They are all collapsing and the only way citizens can get rid of their worthless fiat is by buying Bitcoin which pushes the price of Bitcoin even higher in those countries.
Can I commission you to construct a mountain behind my house? Lol.
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believe in a government is the most dangerous superstition
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So true. Far more likely to have people lend a hand and share both time & resources with you.
It bugs me how people don’t even say good morning down a quiet city street.
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