How does renewing a territory subscription work? @k00b Does the automatic subscription pull funds automatically from our balance? What if we don't use the automatic subscription feature? Will we be notified and sent an invoice or something before the month is up? Thank you
Does the automatic subscription pull funds automatically from our balance?
Yes it tries to - if you have auto renew enabled.
What if we don't use the automatic subscription feature?
When your subscription is due, your territory enters into a 5 day grace period. You'll be notified to pay it and you can pay it then.
If you don't pay it within 5 days, your territory will be archived. If you go a full month without paying, your territory will be available for someone else to take.
Must all payments be pulled from the SN wallet?
No, you can pay with a just-in-time invoice like when making a zap larger than your account balance.
thanks. Has there been any consideration to lowering the fee to something more manageable for plebs like myself? Do you imagine you would consider lowering the fee if many territories don't renew? Just trying to gauge your thoughts
tbh it's too early to tell. We had way more territories created than we thought we would.
The plan is to allow territory founders to sell sub-territories within their territory and set their own prices on those (and those sub-territories to sell sub-sub-territories and so on), so eventually there should be options to have territories with lower subscription fees - they just won't be top-level territories.
Hopefully sub territories and sub sub territories are quite a ways away. I know founders are going to want to try to recoup the monthly fee but personally I think we need this wild west phase to play out. Let the market determine which territories have staying power and the most committed founders (because lets face it, they won't be profitable any time soon).
I also think, now that we have territories, SN should lean into the frontier town theme. The whole user experience could be built around the saloon being the town centre and the home page as it is now could direct people to interesting places where they might like to visit. Besides ads/boosts maybe the Saloon stays at the top of the home page. then you get into the top 10 (or so) hot posts and lower down the page maybe feature a "what's going on around town" section where some of the top territory posts are featured.
That could be the default layout of the homepage but then of course you could have other filtering (recent etc).
A couple other ideas (admittedly a bit corny- but I like a little corn) to tie into the theme. In the saloon there should be a bartender and when someone walks in and says "howdy" the bartender replies with a beer emoji. Little details like this drive a lot of retention. Now users need to stop by and engage and get their beer, just like they need to zap to keep their hat. And the other idea would be when entering a territory maybe we get some animation, like we do when we zap. Maybe saloon doors opening and users get the sense they are somewhere new. Maybe only happens the first time per day you enter the territory though, could get annoying if you are in and out as it is more obstructive than the zaps lightning bolts.
Anyways some crazy ideas for you.
thanks for the reply.
The shouldn't be an option to unsubscribe territories
deleted by author
thanks. just a concerned yet excited territory owner over here hehe