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Let's hear all your best fun facts, any topic counts!
The best comment as voted by the "top" filter at 9am CT tomorrow gets 10,000 sats.
Bonus sats for including a source link to your fun fact!
If you missed our last edition, here are lots of fun facts stackers shared.
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10,000 sats paid
The bitcoin symbol was added to unicode in June 2017 with the release of version 10.0. The code point assigned to the bitcoin symbol is U+20BF (â‚¿). It was categorized as a currency symbol.

some digging on unicode.org mail-arch:

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Did you notice António Martins' poem ? and what Michael Everson said ? :)
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You have a greater chance of winning Powerball 9 times in a row than guessing my private key
Odds of winning Powerball 9 times in a row: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=1%2F292200000+%5E9
Odds of guessing a Private Key: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=1%2F2%5E256
You can travel with an automobile with no licence and no registration https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIBzW3AQhf3bCAKfhpnbqU3Pr4LOgOhCH&si=cmzyWLMdhKw0dUbT
There was a real illuminati organization (the Phoebus cartel) that conspired to fix the life expectancy of the lightbulb in 1924 because advancements in production and technology were clearly leading to a zero-cost, infinite-life bulb, which was projected to destroy the profits and existence of the bulb making companies. This was one of the first stages in developing the current paradigm of global planned obsolescence that we are now all enslaved to (outside of Bitcoin).
It's so endothermic it can end up cooking itself! Whoa, amazing creatures for sure!
you don't have to say that
An unfertilized Ostrich egg is actually a single animal cell that weights around 1.4 kg.
A type of amoeba(single-celled organism) that lives in warm rivers, lakes and even swimming pools can infect people if the water gets up their nose. It eats their brain away and they die within two weeks. Although rare, death-by-amoeba is becoming more common! Scary!.
Not sure if that counts as FUN fact... damn
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The first railroads were built in Germany around 1550.
In 1982, Japanese scientists found a 10,000-year-old magnolia seed in a storage pit. They managed to grow it into a tree!.
life persists
The air around a bolt of lightning is five times as hot as the surface of the sun.
The largest bacteria are 1 millimetre (0.039 inches) long and are big enough to see with the naked eye.
The smallest type of tree is a dwarf willowthat grows in Greenland. It is only 5 centimetres (2 inches) tall.
The sound of Darth Vader’s difficult breathing was made with a scuba regulator.
Electric bug-zappers actually attract bugs.They only kill a small proportion of the bugs they attract, so you may be bitten by more bugs if you have one than if you dont!.
Brazil nut trees grow happily in the rainforest environment and refuse to grow anywhere else in the world. Scientists have tried to remove them to cultivate in labs, but the trees dont like it.
Golf balls can sometimes reach speeds of 273 kilometres (170 miles) per hour.
If you tried to count to 21 millions you would need a year of time
probably more as i would keep losing tabs
A nocoiner was stupid enough not to buy bitcoin. It doesn't matter when you read this
At any one time, around 100 lightning bolts are striking the earth.
The human body has enough iron in it to make a metal nail that is 3 inches long.
If you mix corn syrup and tar together by stirring, you can separate them again by stirring in the opposite direction.
sounds cool to watch
Dr. Kellogg saw the human sex drive as a bad thing which is why he got into foods for children.
He made and marketed stuff that tasted good but intentionally lowered testosterone.
Don't get married as a man in the western world. Your life is signed off the moment you do.
Ill do the werid one. Fun fact Your mouth and butthole both share the same taste receptors for spicy foods. Spicy in and out baby lmao!
also sweets i heard.. yet to experience
Had a hybrid meeting at work this morning with nice food and cakes served afterwards. Only four people showed up including myself (all the others were online, Friday right).
Dark energy, dark matter and black holes don't exist, they're the result of dark science in cosmology induced by public subsidies.
tell us about this
I learned this from a French researcher Jean-Pierre Petit who is not supported by the French academy because he goes against the idea of black holes and dark matter by proposing an alternative model which would make all the papers that have been produced for several decades on this subject are obsolete, putting an end to the income that many scientists enjoy for following the mainstream doxa. Despite the lack of support, his model looks both simpler and gives more observational confirmation. It's been +70 years of research in cosmology that leads to nothing, the simple concept of "dark" matter / energy only serves to justify inconsistencies between observed reality and the LambdaCDM model (mainstream) The presentation of the videos and of his site are a bit "artisanal" because he does almost everything himself. If you look carefully on his site, all these papers are public and verifiable (higher math level) Long video on black hole : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKmxVKINk8A
Video against the inflation (of the universe) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaSQPD_nR6A
Researcher's site with cosmology paper : https://www.jp-petit.org/papers/cosmo/
it's a difficult subject, if cosmology doesn't interest you, it may not be an accessible rabbit hole.
Using nanotechnology(technology at a very small scale, working with individual molecules) revolutionery new bullet-proof materials are being developed.They are so tough that bullets bounce off them! Someone wearing a jacket made with the new material will be completely unharmed if they are shot.
A smart toothbrushuses wireless technology to send information to a screen that can be stuck on a bathroom mirror.The toothbrush monitors and reports back on how well you are brushing, and if youve missed any bits!.
A boat that scoots over the waves, and looks like a giant spider, was launched in 2007. It can travel 8,000 kilometres (5,000 miles) on one tank of diesel fuel.
A pumpkin can grow roots with a total length of 24 kilometres (15 miles).
Ball lightningis the name given to fiery balls, that whiz through the air, lasting several seconds. No one knows what causes them and some scientists doubt they exist, even though there have been many sightings. In 1994, ball lightning left a hole in a closed window that measured 5 centimetres (2 inches).
In 1894, a turtle that was frozen inside a giant hailstone fell to earth.
The Burj Dubaiin Dubai, United Arab Emirates, is still under construction, but is already the worlds tallest freestanding building on land measuring 598.5 metres (1,964 feet) tall. When it is completed its planned to be more than 800 metres (2,625 feet) tall! Not advisable if youre afraid of heights...
If a chicken is caught up in a tornado, its feathers can be ripped out but it can still survive.
The Raiders just became the first team to score 63 points one game after being shut out.
In the GSM (2G phones) protocol there is a parameter a tower can use called CRO (Cell Reselection Offset). It makes the tower more "appealing" to a handset so the handset will connect to it. Used primarily for congestion managememt. Creative minds can imagine ways to use this for other purposes.
Technology is neat.
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