If you can even imagine it, there were periods where you didn't even have to pay the money upfront. If you felt like starting a business, you just started a business.
oh, I can! It still working like this in some places: you just DO it and accept cash - people used to work at home too, just sell the surplus in the first place.
Business is quite a big word TBH, how about just doing what you are good at and enjoy, and it also provides value to others at the same time, so much easier to understand! Now it's about MBA ( title ), PPT, and many fancy numbers to fool others, or even creating problems to sell solutions, madness.
There are definitely some sole proprietors who provide off the books services, but the idea of having a brick-and-mortar store without state permission is very foreign to us. I'm glad you've experienced that degree of freedom first hand.
Well said.
I went to a waving village before and was told all the retail shops weren't even there 20 years ago, and most people used to work at home and then sell their products, then slowly opening small workshops; but then everything is moving to big factories now, and these manufactures are competing for marketing or price instead of quality or craftsmanship, and roughly 7 people are left still doing waving the traditional way out of the whole village! quite depressed to see how fiat money is ruining traditions.
then I got to meet two craftsmen and spent some time with them, we made some nice products together, and I paid them in cash; if more people value quality and appreciate people's passion instead of marketing, and say what they mean, mean what they say, maybe things don't need to be so complicated at all, the whole reason why having all this corporation setup is mainly to protect yourself from dishonest people, but then if we are really being real about the "law", the whole corporation thing and law are actually protection for the "bad guys."... but that's another topic.
I just feel that maybe Bitcoin can reshape our understanding of business, corporating by contracts, not by laws. cc @Lux
This is a rabbit hole I only started uncovering. I'm also in the camp: "I want to have a business but not at the condition of becoming a circus monkey." A handbook about trusts, a way to do commerce without handing over sovereignty: https://drydenwire.com/site/assets/files/30245/weisss-trustee-handbook.pdf
yes, otherwise you need to obey their rules once you register the business there, must have other options, especially now that with freedom money - if not using their money, why still voluntarily to play their games?
and money is a big part of the jurisdiction game, since fiat is copyrighted. eg if anywhere in the world there's a contract denominated in USD the US Inc and FED can claim jurisdiction