I don’t see the distinction myself personally.
You mean you see no distinction between security and privacy?
Example for secure but not private systems: Gmail.
I would say Google does all it can to not leak your mails (keep them secure). But are your mails really private? Can you tell Google: Hey, you can read this mail but please don't read this one? Or even: Please don't read any mail because SMTP is using plaintext because it's an old protocol from the early days of the Internet?
Tech covers things not privacy related, but each to their own.
We're here in the recently founded ~security, not ~tech
I’m sure we’ll see plenty of parallels and competition with territories.
I'm not trying to compete with you, if you took this territory this way
Are we already entering the territory battle phase? Things really move fast, lol
reminded me of what I learnt in this video (15:58), he said men's brains are made up of little boxes, and they are all unconnected; women's brain are like the internet superhighway, everything is connected 😂
for me, damn aren't they the same? for @ekzyis no, they are different!
for me, damn aren't they the same? for @ekzyis no, they are different!
If they would be the same, why even have two distinct terms for it?
Can you always replace "it's secure" with "it's private"?
Food for thought... Or blog posts, lol :)
he said men's brains are made up of little boxes, and they are all unconnected; women's brain are like the internet superhighway, everything is connected 😂😂
Btw, I lol'd and can see what you mean but no time to write anything further, lol :)
I see a small technical distinction, but not a real need for a new territory. I get it and I am biased… I’m sure there’ll be loads of great content here and it’ll add to the conversation. But it could also sit inside ~tech really nicely is my point.
I just worry we dilute SN content because of technicalities or people’s desire for power over territories, not around common-sense groupings and what’s best for all stackers.
The distinction is like someone creating a ~predictions or ~bets territory, both have a different definition to an ~oracle… but would be better served inside that space. Assume they’ll be able to be moved however, so probably just a temp thing.
But it could also sit inside ~tech really nicely is my point.
Ah, now I see what you mean. Yes, that makes sense for this post.
But I also want to talk about stuff like social engineering here. That's not really related to tech for me.
For example, how I socially engineered my way into internal SN comms, lol
But I also want to talk about social engineering stuff here. That's not really related to tech for me.
ohhhhhhh 👀 fun stuff! see, this territory def lack an intro here.
I also updated the territory description.
I just worry we dilute SN content because of technicalities or people’s desire for power over territories, not around common-sense groupings and what’s best for all stackers.
well said!