Good tip. Though I wouldn’t recommend this for long periods of time. The amount of times I’ve forgotten my 4 digit card PIN in my life. Fine for short-term, but for most people - wouldn’t say it should be relied upon once you’ve made the trip.
Not everyone has issues with remembering things. To each their own. Find what works for you.
I suppose if you were suffering from amnesia you could carry something to remind you of the phrase/word, like a photograph.
Would not suggest a photo sind a photo is often taken with a smart phone and most of these are automatically backed up to the cloud. Once your seed is in the cloud it is vulnerable to hacking since you have no idea who might have access or where they will end up.
Now that's a good point. Important distinction.
I was thinking of a physical photo, like a kodak print. Not carrying a phone. Physical objects, something like as simple as a piece of fruit. Depends how your memory works and how efficiently you could use a mnemonic device.
At this moment. Time is undefeated.