If you did take a sabbatical, what changed surprised or delighted you when you returned?
Once I took a shower. When I came back things were more or less the same.
I'm surprised to learn you've spent even that long away from here.
I notched down my daily posting cadence to just weekdays, but i'm still here/lurking if not posting on weekends
The SN itch i may never scratch enough..
I also take my foot off the gas at weekends. Weekends are 99% family time for me.
I did for quite a while, been lurking for a few months again. Crazy how many more people are around.
What delighted me is that @k00b still ships fast. Love to see it
i take a sabbatical almost every other few days. i'm only surprised by how little humans surprise me.
I took a break for a while, came back to my posts getting a lot more zaps (sometimes).
Maybe SN is getting more popular - and you are too!
SN is. Me? Not so much.
Not really. Sometimes I post more sometimes less, but I'm always lurking. This message board just seems to have the right mix of econ / tech / news / libertarianism that suits my tastes.
I don't think I've had what could be called a sabbatical either.
For us, all these piecemeal changes - are taken in our stride - but could hit a stacker who's been away for months.
Perhaps we might see more update-shocked Cowboys if the saloon opens up a coat-check for Stetsons - at 100 Sats per day of course.
Made it into top 5 cowboys, then someone took my computer at work for the day and messed up my morning routine and I lost my cowboy hate... I was so angry 😥
Triple Ooof!
honestly I feel highly engaged here even if I'm not posting. I don't think there's been a full 24 hours where I haven't logged on to SN and either read something or sent sats somewhere.
I think the reason I feel so engaged by this is that i'm getting to stay tapped in to btc culture w/ out having to be in one of the local hubs for it
Nice sentiments - of which I 100% agree!