What is the conspiracy? Vegetables are poison? Don't you think that is a bit reductive? All vegetables? Haven't heard that one. Population control is not a conspiracy. Its in the wide open. Its marketed lol.
At a minimum the "healthcare industry" is focused on "treatment" not solutions. Pharma has no interest in nutrition. Personally my rational position is that humans have eaten meat for thousands of years. Vegetables as well but most populations ate mostly meat before the development of cities. And what have we seen in the last 100 years? A bunch of chemical companies creating lab based foods to save money and "feed the world".
I know to many people that have went off of factory food and saw huge benefits to make me believe that nutrition is not a huge issue for the world. Sugar as well as fake sugars are probably one of the worst things for our health. It sure isn't meat. I will grant that factor farms raising animals are inhuman and that meat has issues but I would rather eat that than the chemical crap most people eat.
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Sounds like we agree on just about all of it.
Yes, vegetables are plants that are trying to kill you. Their only defense to survive is to secrete and produce inflammatory chemical responses, bitterness, spiciness etc. do some research into what carcinogens basic every day veggies produce. About 60 minimum per average vegetable we are told to eat. Carnivore MD (Paul Saladino) great resource. He is a MD and posts blood panels. Previous vegan.
Yes, vegetables are plants that are trying to kill you. Their only defense to survive is to secrete and produce inflammatory chemical responses, bitterness, spiciness etc.
If that would be the case, this logic would also apply to meat. Animals/meat do not want to be 'eaten'. So they also would deploy those defensive strategies.
Mutations are random and blind. There is no higher-level planning like "I develop inflammatory inducing stuff so I won't get eaten'. If crops are planted/tended by humans there is no evolutionary pressure to develop poisonous response.
I don't agree that vegetables are plants that are trying to kill you. That to me is a leap. If you think about it, any plant exists to reproduce and many entice animals or humans to eat them. Now, I do not agree that humans should only eat plants. Can you survive? Sure. I'm no expert though. Avoiding meat for health makes no sense to me. Avoiding processed "foods" and sugar does. But sugar is so addictive.
Animals have digestive system that processes the vegetables, human eat meat. How about that?
Actually you’re wrong. We have long intestines that are to break down hard grain and seed shells etc… same as apes and over plant eating animals.
Meat eating animals have smaller intestines.
Red meat actually sits in out guts longer than it should and studies prove it’s a contributor to heart disease, cancers and various other diseases
Human digestive tract is longer than of a pure carnivorous animals, that's for sure. But, humans do not have it as long as vegetarian animals, especially not like something like a cow, with 3 stomach chamber's. The meat, fruits, and nuts diet for humans makes sense. My former post was about how human get the nutrients of vegetables without eating vegetables, by taking in meat from vegetarian animals.
I also think the idea that vegetables are poison is ludicrous. I strapped my tinfoil hat on before reading these comments but this one blew my mind.
We have hundreds of studies that prove vegetables are the best way to live healthy and longer and meat that sits in our “long intestines” is a direct contributor to many diseases, inflammation and obesity.
Arnold swartzanager(can’t spell name) did a documentary on body builders who use plant based protein and the effects are better and longer lasting than those that eat meat - and also have to take supplements because meat isn’t enough (it is a secondary form of protein after all)
Population control is not a conspiracy. Its in the wide open. Its marketed lol.
Do conspiracies have to occur in secret?
Relatedly: If the corporate press denies something happened in public, might it not just as well have happened in secret?