What is the point of them excluding the development ones ?
To build a local bitcoin community, to meet people with common interests and to learn from each other in a face to face IRL environment. Most importantly, maybe, is the opportunity to work together in creating a local bitcoin circular economy by organizing, orange pilling, and patronizing local merchants who accept bitcoin.
I see but why they require such expensive tiquets (ex: 899$) for ?
You and I are talking about different things. The big, expensive meet ups are one thing. If you want to spend a lot of sats and hang out with "influencers", you can, but I wouldn't. Local meet ups are almost always free. Look for them where you live. You can find people in your area right here on Stacker News, or through other sources.
My question was about the point of thos expensive meetups not the local one
I didnt ask the question well
The vast majority of effort put into the events is for profit. That’s their point. I haven’t and won’t go to one so I can’t speak for the level of signal there but I suspect a lot of it won’t be organic.
Local bitcoin meetups are always free afaik. You just go there and meet people.
I think you're talking about bitcoin events or conferences.
“No man is an island“
Meeting like minded individuals and see other humans it’s a very ancient custom.
If you have an established group check it out and you might make a new friend or two.
I am not at this level to pay for conferences with formal guest speakers. But like the others mentioned it is important to build a localized network of people you can build and trade. Not all areas have enough people sharing and communicating.
To HODL is important but also to build a parallel economy is one mission I heard to help adoption.
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to meet people. it's a meetup
“Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future. If you're wondering if a person has changed or not, look at their friends. Look at how they spend their time, too, because one spends their time on what they truly are connected to, good or bad.” ― Timothy G Cameron