Article one section ten of the USA 1789/1791 constitution prohibits States from using anything but actual gold and silver coin as tender and payment of debt. So how do they tax you in Federal Reserve notes? Federal Reserve notes are defined as obligations in 18 USC 8. And 31 USC 3124 prohibits states from taxing federal obligations except for corporations. So if a US citizen or resident alien can be taxed in Federal Reserve notes, then they are a United States corporation/ U.S. citizen. A State Citizen [national] is not, and no unconstitutional tax can be levied against a State Citizen. And congress has not authority over State Citizens. Since many across this nation has figured out the citizenship fraud, and are correcting the fraud via passport, the enemy is in panic. The IRS has the right to inquire about taxes if you cannot prove State Citizenship. See…"Unless the defendant can prove he is not a citizen of the United States, the IRS has the right to inquire and determine a tax liability." U.S. v. Slater, 545 Fed. Supp. 179,182 (1982).